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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Vello Ema30 Jun 2005 11:40
"The evening wrapped up with dance music provided by the band “ Meie Mees“, direct from Estonia. The band was lively and loud. They played until early morning to the delight of most of the crowd."
Actually, they didn't wrap up the evening. Meie Mees' awesome & energetic performance was followed by Walter Mätas' "Big Chill" band, which in turn was followed by Vello Verder's band "The Outfit". (
The lineup was perfect, ending with a young band for the young people still up and bopping.
It was really a great event!

Adu01 Jul 2005 22:01
Peeter Bush04 Jul 2005 12:13
I just got back from the lake and read the postings.
I have reached the stage in life where I am starting to realize to my discomfort and sometimes embarassment that that I have in fact become a forgetful old geezer,
I left the stage area shortly after Meie Mees started up. From the other side of the field I would not have guessed other bands took over because it all sounded the same to me and we all know those Esto guys have great staying power.
Thanks for for pointing out that there were the other bands. My apologies to everyone for not mentioning them.
Think I will leave the late night reporting in future to someone younger that does not turn into a pumpkin at midnight. Estonian Life fellow writer Adu Raudkivi perhaps might be a good candidate. :)
It was really nice to see the large turnout, especially younger people enjoying themselves.
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