U.S. House of Representatives Passes H. Con. Res. 128 JBANC
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim.26 Jul 2005 03:51
For goodness sake, it's all very well to try to correct the sins of the past, but those sins are of such magnitude, that no re-writing of history will ever suffice to redraw the balance. The simple fact of the matter is that with someone of the docility of H. Truman leading the US "troops", and all the time himself succumbing to the ultimate plans the Freemasons had clearly worked out on both sides of the Altantic, there was no other way for history to go but the way it did. Why don't you just let bygones be bygones-or else do everything possible to work against Freemasons ever getting into seats of power in the future.
.26 Jul 2005 05:12
Congratulations, Maxim, you have finally written something comprehensible. Now, try to write something believable.
Maxim.26 Jul 2005 07:03
Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not intending on taking the same kind of steps that you seem to favour; the infamous 33 steps! Lenin made it to 31, most US Presidents did better than that, and French and Russian revolutions owe their fate to that infamous clandestine organisation. It's fine by me if you don't think I write believable stories-go and hug another Obelisk somewhere in your hometown-it's sure to bring your energy field back to zero quicker than my comment, and you can thank the Freemasons for erecting it in the first place. Jahbulon says hello too, and asks if you work day and night...?
re maxim26 Jul 2005 12:11
truman was a 32 degree mason who got his 33 degree in october 1945 (after the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki) .... fyi, the 33 degree us president franklin roosevelt put the masonic eye and temple on the us dollar ... and if you put a reverse triangle on the temple a la star of david, it is quite interesting what it spells out
.29 Jul 2005 13:50
This is what happens when gullibility is mistaken for intellect.
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