Tale of a wicked century
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous09 Sep 2005 17:54
I had read a review of this book elsewhere which somehow failed to reveal its content. On the basis of your review, however, I'm anxious to read this book.
Thanks for alerting it to us.
mp14 Sep 2005 09:05
the paperback edition of the book has been remaindered and is currently available at Book City (Danforth for sure other locations probably) @ $3.99 - which it is worth, in my humble opinion
Thank you, my friend14 Sep 2005 15:10
I just returned from Book City with a copy in hand. Just as you said -- $3.99 for a good read. Six copies remain.
A suggestion: when we have finished reading such books, we should donate them to a library in Estonia.
Someone once coordinated this sort of thing and perhaps it is still done.
Can anyone out there provide any detail?
Urmas Rattur15 Sep 2005 01:10
I have read it from cover to cover, examining the detail and recommend it as a mirror on the events in Estonia in the periods of the Russian and German occupations.

Especially poignant were the memories of the burning of Tallinn in the last days before the Russian conquest in September 1944. Recently I saw a photo essay of those days in the Estonian Archive in Sydney and Eksteins book put it in context.
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