Estonian Bed and Breakfast
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim.23 Sep 2005 13:15
Well written and highly interesting. Nice to know that you are also broad-minded about Russians in Estonia. We're not all as horrible people as some of you Canadian-Estonians make us out to be. Sure, the mass immigration during Soviet days did its fair share of damage, and I for one would have given an eyetooth to have been a fly on the wall living among the Russians when the flight of Russian intellectual migration in 1914 took place to Paris. On the basis of Bush's story, at least there is a sliver of evidence that Russians in Estonia have and do make a unique contribution to Estonian life, and that can only be commended. If not the Russians themselves are commended, then we cannot forget that the Orthodox Church has been a powerful conduit for maintaining links with our neigbours to the East. Even Päts knew the importance of that relationship, as does composer Arvo Pärt, who owes the latter half of his existence to the influence of Russian Orthodoxy in his personal life.
J.Raud23 Sep 2005 21:32
I can't get copies of the front pages of any of your articles while the following pages print well.
This problem seems to be with you paper only.
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