Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim.11 Dec 2005 13:13
Asking people to trace any Estonian DNA in their blood just doesn't work-and the least of these reasons being the Canadian census. Whoever has willingly abandoned Estonian as their lingua franca, or feels next to nothing for the "ol' folk back at home", the census should already be considered to be a total failure. Some authors are not so harsh in the matter of the USSR-Baltic axis, and tend to believe that Russia's interests in the Baltics were a better safeguard than those of the Germans. This is also the reason that slowly over time Estonia and the other Baltic states were abandoned by the world.
Am I a nincompoop?11 Dec 2005 16:03
... I must ask you what is "the USSR-Baltic axis"? Also, when you say that, "Russia's interests ... were a better safeguard than... the Germans", I must ask, safeguard of what?

I'll predict that Maxin will assert that it's crystal clear and, if I can't understand it, then I must be a complete nincompoop.

Save me dear readers. Is there anyone out there that can explain this?
maxim12 Dec 2005 12:03
No I won't call you neither of those things, because you are actually an incredibly polite person! I will just tell you that what I wrote happens to coincide with the unraveling of history. It's easy for the world to point the finger at us and say that we should be fighting for our own piece of the cake (freedomwise and any other way) and then pull the plug on us when the times get tough and say, well, friends, sorry we couldn't be of more assistance to you. That is just total BS-but that is also our plight. Our strength is not is big partners like the US or Germany, ours is in the less significant players-like Iceland; who was the first country to recognise our independence! Pity that for all the mouthing of platitudes from the likes of the US, it took Iceland to show the way, and recognise our Independence. Can you explain to me why this is so???
Anonymous11 Dec 2005 17:47
Even if everyone follows Avo Kittask's advice, how much of a difference would it make?
politicians12 Dec 2005 07:35
are usually influenced by the squeaky wheel, but our numbers are quite low regardless if everyone in canada who knows an estonian responds .... now if all of the chinese canadians came out against the communist chinese occupation and surpression of the tibetan people and their culture, there definitely would be more canadian gov't response
Anonymous12 Dec 2005 13:22
Just so -- an honest summary of the unpleasant truth.
So where do we go from here? For starters, Avo Kittask should realize that he doesn't have any weight to throw around in Ottawa (unless he has Laas in mind) and he isn't going to get any with an increase in our census percentage. In addition, after 14 years of independence, he should abandon the tacit conceit that the EKN is the de facto spokesman for those at home.

I simply swell with pride at the thought that some from our community have returned to Estonia to make a significant contribution. ( No, Maxim, I don't have you in mind.) Our Mihkel Schaer, for example, is an Estonian diplomat today. Granted, most of the credit is due to Mihkel himself and much of it to his family. But some of it is due to us -- his community. I don't know what we did right to make this happen, but let's have more of it. That is the EKN's current mandate.
maxim12 Dec 2005 14:07
Who in blazers is Mihkel Schaer-no-one in Estonia has ever even heard of him! Where does he work-he must be good if he makes you swell up-that is quite a feat for him; and for you too I hope.
to -- Maxim12 Dec 2005 14:50
It's unlikely that you'll ever meet Mihkel. He's never in the welfare queue.
?12 Dec 2005 15:46
Kas see pole hoopis Daniel Schaer kes Eestis/Brusselsis töötab?
In defence of Maxim11 Dec 2005 20:13
Buried in Maxim's verbal diarrhea there is a point that Avo Kittask should address: Estonian interests, at home or abroad, are not served by fluffing up the census stats with phoney Estonians. People that can't speak Estonian and have no interest in it, simply aren't Estonians. That they have an Estonian parent, even two, doesn't change the matter.
Maxim, if I understand him correctly (not an easy thing to do), would have us all move to Estonia. (Impractical; but I'd say that his heart's in the right place.) The EKN should focus on preserving and (dare I say) improving what we have rather than making it look good to outsiders.
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