Star attacks Sarmite Bulte
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous20 Jan 2006 12:38
In some respects, the Toronto Star is a fine newspaper. The "want-ads" section is second to none. I'm told that "Sports" almost measures up to that of the Sun. The obituary column is unfailingly accurate. Otherwise, it leaves something to be desired -- conspicuously, its inability to distinguish a news-report from an editorial.

Adu Raukivi, you obviously read the Star, so, perhaps we can rely upon you to let us know if the Star ever publishes something balanced and factual on current events. Thanks, in advance.
more trouble20 Jan 2006 15:08
bulte also seemed to lack knowledge about the comings and goings about the dangerous criminals who are housed in her riding ... while putting down a toronto sun story without having read it .... or maybe she was aware and just did not want to share it with her constituents
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