Simon says — SO IT HAS TO BE TRUE!
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Just curious09 May 2002 04:43
At the top it says:

At the bottom is says:

(The views expressed are the author’s and do not reflect the editorial viewpoint of Eesti Elu)

So which is it?
Tõnu09 May 2002 15:07
Glad you are awake and aware. The viewpoint appeared in Estonian Life, little offspring of Eesti Elu. The two have different viewpoints, the average reader may not have noticed. But Eesti Elu is the responsible unit - big daddy, so Estonian Life has to be careful that it does not arouse concerns of the bigger, nmore important figure. There you have it. A personal viewpoint, not an official editorial, wrapped up in another paper with a shall we say editorial policy desitous of not offending. Does this answer the Q? Be glad to add more, only if it does not run contrary to the impartial party line.
Oh yeah - I signed my name to the piece, am signing it here - what is yours if I may be so bold to ask? The advantages of anonymity go only so far, that may also explain the reasoning for the qualifier at the end of the piece.
Tõnu09 May 2002 15:10
Whoops - missed one point that no subject pointed out. Where did it say at the top editorial? (as your comment observes) Just wondering, is my vision failing too?
Tõnu09 May 2002 15:14
Last qualifier - i have nothing to do with the web page, upon checking, yes it said edotorial I worry aboutr the printed stuff, you know on paper, and hardly check the web. Did today, and obviously need owotk, cuz coulda put three comments into one. Too old for this game I suppose.
Nevertheless, thanks for the observation, wait for next week's quasi-editorial for which the paper - Eesti Elu - will not take responsibility.:-)
Friend of Israel09 May 2002 19:33
Have there been any complaints or critisism about your article from certain interest groups?
Simon10 May 2002 05:41
Whoever served in German army - guilty, whoever fought against commies - guilty, whoever doesn't pay for our suffering - guilty, whoever messes with Simon - guilty, guilty.
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