Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
For all the crap I've had to put up with this year from certain people here, then all the greater is the pleasure of having read this brilliant järelhüüe of a man who obviously was not cut out like most Canadian-Estonians. If my critics picture a portrait of me as something of a scumbag, then here is the complete opposite, a man who cherished humanity and every soul who moved within its precincts. If there were only a few more Kalle Viires' let in the Estonian community, we wouldn't be doomed to such an awful community death, because unlike my critics, even I would be considered special to them. It's a nice thought, and one I leave with my readers at the close of a year of unpleasant exchanges for me personally. I wish everyone only the best for the new year, even though unfortunately some people in all likelihood don't feel that way about me. But perhaps that's not my problem after all....we are all responsible for our own thoughts and motives.
jälle reostab oma junnidega .
Palju auru ...vähe sisu ..tuleb ...läheb ....
It's not ABOUT YOU!!
How can you even begin to think that you could in any way compare to Mr. Viires???
How can you even begin to think that you could in any way compare to Mr. Viires???
What an insult from Maxim. Have you no respect for the deceased. When are you going to keep your word about leaving? Sinu lubadused on ainut tühjad sõna kõlksud. Millal sa ronid kivi alla tagasi ?
No one here has ever called you a scumbag, Maxim.
Typically, you have been called a pompous ass, a semi-literate fool, a megalomaniac, and synonyms thereof with perfect justification.
Moreover, there is no reason to believe that Kalle Viires would consider you 'special' in any positive sense of the term. Your abiding belief that you have fans and supporters is pure fantasy and evidence of your need for therapy
Typically, you have been called a pompous ass, a semi-literate fool, a megalomaniac, and synonyms thereof with perfect justification.
Moreover, there is no reason to believe that Kalle Viires would consider you 'special' in any positive sense of the term. Your abiding belief that you have fans and supporters is pure fantasy and evidence of your need for therapy
For heaven's sake, look at what you write, and tell me this isn't half sarcastic?! The more I see of Maxim's critics, the more I am convinced that they are a much worse and more dangerous lot than Maxim could ever hope to be. The latter is just a naive fool for thinking there could ever be level-headed argument taking place here.
Pole veel ilmunud sinu kohta kiitvat sõna mida sa pole ise koostanud varjunime all.
Milline imeilus järelhyye!! Ma kahjuks ei tundnud Kalle Viirest, aga pärast selle järelhyyde lugemist tekkis suur huvi tema vastu. Moni inimene meist voiks ikka igavesti elada ...
Now isn't that just like Maxim -- he pokes his nose into some else's obituary to announce that, unlike most Canadian-Estonians, Maxim is really a swell guy.
Thanks Maxim. Had you not told us, we wouldn't have noticed.
Thanks Maxim. Had you not told us, we wouldn't have noticed.
Kõik need erinevad kommentaarid viitavad ühele asjale; et Viires oli ikka mees üle igasuguse prahi! Selle prahi alla võimuks ta mõelda ka kõik need halvasti ütlevad kommenteerijad kes alalõpmata endid puhtaks poisteks ja tüdrukuteks kirjutavad, süüdistades ikka ja alati kedagi teist nende probleemide eest. Seda enam on oluline märgata ja väga kõrgelt hinnata Viirese taolisi inimesi meie keskel. Olgu ta edaspidi meile lipukandja kogu selle pori loopimise juures mis on tüüpiline meie eestlaskonnas.
Gary, thank you for taking the time to craft this beautiful and evocative dedication to Kalle. I met Kalle through our community theatre almost 25 years ago and felt an instant kinship with him, one that will continue to warm my heart even if he is no longer with us. He will remain a model to me of how to accept joy and absurdity and you have succeeded in sketching out his decidedly positive spirit. Thank you!
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