Eesti 90 VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous24 Feb 2008 11:23
Why did he pass over the most critical issue affecting Estonia today and over the past 12 months?? If he's such a "proud Estonian" Where was his support last April? Was he really asked by the EKN not speak up for Estonia? Why does his government support warmer relations with Putin's Kremlin? Why does the Estonian community continue to support someone who is unwilling to support Estonia and this community?
Maxim.24 Feb 2008 12:15
actually of Dutch background who was brought up in an Estonian emigrant home. He has no Estonian blood in his whatsoever, and he doesn't need to feel kinship with Estonians but for the fact that someone once taught him how to say kurat. That's about all there is to Mr van Loan's connection with Eesti.
Anonymous24 Feb 2008 13:24
...and a few star-struck Van Loan deciples within the community whose admiration for this man does the community and Estonia a great disservice.
Jaan Väljaots25 Feb 2008 04:41
Previous comments sound like typical Estonian ones: anonymous, mean and wicked. Containing a bit of truth and a lot of lie and libel. Comments in Canadian papers have left me a better impression.
to Maxim25 Feb 2008 09:10
Van Loan's mother is Estonian. No, he doesn't speak Estonian, but he is hardly alone there. He represents the many Estonians who live in his constituency. That probably accounts for his interest in Estonian affairs.
Maximus academeus25 Feb 2008 09:35
Maxim sometimes actually knows something about the subject matter being discussed. This time he's betraying his absolute ignorance. Van Loan was brought up by his Estonian mother and Estonian grandparents. Unfortunately they didn't teach him Estonian, similar to thousands of other Canadian households of Estonian heritage. He has joined and actively supported Estonian political causes since his university days, at least 20 years prior to seeking political office and the requisite votes. It's typical of Estonians to shoot off their mouths before checking the facts. Is suspect that these vitriolic comments are from Liberal party faithful, some of whom expect personal gain.
Anonymous25 Feb 2008 10:07
Remind us - where he was in April?
Maxim.25 Feb 2008 11:07
Remind us why he hasn't bothered to learn Estonian? I used to understand that during Soviet times, it might have been a hell of a lot more difficult to get non-Estonians to learn to speak the language, but these days people frequently flip in and out of Russian and Estonian in public places. It should be the same where freedom has always existed, and all the more so in the case of those whose background is Estonian. There is no use convincing people they are into the Estnonian cause when these days huge numbers of Russian descendants speak the language with a fluency that should be the envy of most Estonian descendants. Van Loan should be a living example of this. Instead, he is the opposite. He backed off in April and hasn't said anything in his defence since then. The silence is deafening!!!
Minaise25 Feb 2008 12:20
Miks teie jagelemine ei toimu meie ja Peter Van Loani emakeeles?
Minaise25 Feb 2008 12:21
Miks teie jagelemine ei toimu meie ja Peter Van Loani emakeeles?
Maxim.25 Feb 2008 12:44
Toimubki-sest see mees ei tea MÕHKUGI eestikeelest.
Minaise25 Feb 2008 13:19
Maxim and Shär share alike?
Jaan Väljaots25 Feb 2008 13:43
Remind us, where was Estonian parliament in April?
Maxim.25 Feb 2008 14:17
Jaan-get your facts right before you come here defending someone like van Loan who should know better than cave in on Estonia. Van Loan has done sweet fanny adams as far as I'm concerned. Laas has done his own job plus everything that van Loan should have done, but conveniently left it undone for fear of losing friends in the wider Canadian political field. It's a pathetic situation that he should be representing Estonia, when he has done so little other than attend big functions where the grog is on the house. They got a pretty good snapshot of him this time drinking to his heart's delight!
Anonymous25 Feb 2008 15:12
Lihtsalt selle pärast et me seda väga hästi ei oska, paraku.
Jaan Väljaots25 Feb 2008 15:43
Dear Maxim, the facts are as follows: the Canadian parliament did not say a word about the disorder in Tallinn in April, and neither did the Estonian parliament. Empty declarations cost nothing. Work done in silence matters. As far as I know Van Loan has allways identified himself as a Canadian from Estonian origin, not an Estonian. So what is the problem with the language? He speaks both: English and French. If he takes deeper interest in Estonian history, culture and politics, should he be beaten and dislodged for that? You're right, I don't know the back ground, and that is not for me to decide. But I'm surprised about the anonymous wickedness (we are unfotunately used, in Estonia) also in Canadian Estonian society. But Estonians remain Estonians everywhere. Don't they? :)
Anonymous25 Feb 2008 16:02
USA, UK, Iceland, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, France, Portugal, Macedonia, Greece, Poland, Czech, Solvenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ireland etc.. . . in no specific order: all of them pledged their support for Estonia. Again, where was Canada and the Canadian of Estonian origin?
Maximus25 Feb 2008 20:36
Jaan - Does it matter that the Estonian parliament said nothing? Ilves is head of state and along with Ansip was front and centre in April. I'm not sure I understand your point on this issue.
Maxim.25 Feb 2008 23:24
There is just too much confusion regarding this issue, and perhaps in all fairness van Loan certainly has the right not to comment on this issue. I think that the April uprising was handled fairly well, though I disagree that prior to the statue's removal there was any particular public outcry on the subject, just as today there is generally no outcry whatsoever about the ugly Soviet obelisk residing at Pirita. The answer is in finding the best workable solution to bringing about a better sense of assimilation between various community groups in Estonia. The removal of the bronze statue could have waited a few more years when statistically many many more young Russians in Estonia have received a different kind of education to their parents, and I think you would have found that the change in location would have gone much more smoothly. Much of the problem lay in poor timing. Besides, Laar missed his opportunity to move on the issue, but that is another story. Young Russians are now making a fist of becoming fine Estonian citizens who speak Estonian as well as van Loan speaks French, and I think that is a cause for celebration!
Jaan Väljaots26 Feb 2008 02:47
You, as Canadian citizen, I guess, were waiting Canadian parliament to say something. I, as Estonian citizen, expected Estonian parliament to do the same. Neither of them did, but I am not rubing it in almost a year later. Let's look forward.
Anonymous26 Feb 2008 08:48
Correct. We do need to move forward.
New threats will almost certainly arise and I'm sure that the criticism he has received will help improve Van Loan's reaction time in the future.
Johannes Barbarus25 Feb 2008 17:44
Marcus stop hidding as Anonymous. We gain nothing from your continued "hatred" of Van Loan. Stephane will not reward you but maybe you are awaiting a reward from Vladimir Vladimirovich instead.
Estonian speaker26 Feb 2008 08:55
Van Loan on inimene kellel puudub eesti keel kuid, kes aastate eest pühendas ennast eestlaste ja teiste balti riikide poliitiliste taotluste toetamisele - enne kui ta hakkas poliitikuks. Leidub küllaltki palju eeestlasi, keelel keel puhtalt suus aga ei suvatse ennast liigutada raasugi "eesti asju" toetama.
Thanks26 Feb 2008 12:26
We are few, and when someone wants to step up to help our cause, we should welcome them with great enthusiasm, rather than criticizm, which is, unfortunately, an ugly trait of our people.
Anonymous26 Feb 2008 12:32
Only the naive will congratulate apathy. We must celebrate those who actively support the community and our issues and criticize those who seek the support of the community but do little to help it. Let's move forward.
Maxim.26 Feb 2008 14:21
To keep someone interested in promoting Esto stuff, you need to pay them-and pay reasonably well. I understand that Avo is in a paid job, yet you all criticize him as if nothing has changed for the better whilst he has been at the helm. If van Loan has genuinely done some nice things for the community, then that's very nice of him. However, I hardly think that his contribution to our general cause is going to get him next years' ametiraha. There are only a handful of people who deserve such an award, and I trust Rasmus is more than capable of making the correct decision in these matters. Nice to have seen the Tulvings this time at the President's reception.
Liisu27 Feb 2008 14:21
Kaxs keegi on küsinud Peter Van Loani käest miks ta sõns ei võtnud. Küsige, siis ehk saate teada milles asi on. Markus, kade oled võ? Oled vales parteis niikuinii! Maxim kas Eesti keeles kirjutada ei oska? Oled eestluse kõige suurem vaenlane!
Anne Saks29 Feb 2008 09:53
EKN to me represents the combined efforts of all Estonians communities in Toronto or elsewhere in Canada. It is a non-political organisation which has never affiliated itself with no other directive but for the interest of Estonians in exile. 90 years which we acknowledged on the 24th of February in Toronto at the Estonian House was but a small part of the overall world wide celebrations which took place. It pains me to hear that we still take exception to the same things: “the entertainment was to long”;
“the meat was to tough”; “the knives were not sharp enough”; “and the ceiling was leaking”. My father has turned over in his grave.

Oleme Eestlased.
Clarity29 Feb 2008 11:15
EKN on rahvus-poliitiline organisatsioon. See tähendab, et tema mandaat on tegutseda Eesti huvides siin Kanadas.
Hilisaegu on aetud segi mitme organisatsiooni eesmärgid.

EKN = rahvuspoliitiline (lobbying government, organizing political rallies, such as Black Ribbon Day & Balti kett) etc.

Eesti Liit Kanadas = umbrella organization for the various Estonian Canadian societies and organizations (as of late, EKN's mandate has been confused with ELK's)

Eesti Selts = most cities and towns have their Eesti Selts, whos function is to organize functions, Esto Schools ... bring the community together.
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