Do not let Russia ‘Finlandise’ western Europe
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Anonymous10 Oct 2008 15:02
Who is the author and why is he not identified?
Maxim11 Oct 2008 14:40
Interesting how you're so hung up on having to know who is the author. What difference does it make to the content of the story? Absolutely nothing! Yet you are so incapable of making up your mind on the subject, you need to know if the source of the inff corresponds with your own, otherwise all hell is likely to be set on the loose. Be honest for once, Anonymous-admit to the fact that you tied to an intellectual apron-string, and can't make up your own mind about anything.
Anonymous11 Oct 2008 15:18
Relax Maxim.
The article begins with the words, "When I first published The New Cold War last February, many contested my title. But what once seemed eccentric now looks mainstream."
The average reader, like me, just might say to himself that, here, we have someone with a mind of his own, who doesn't run with the pack. I wonder who it is? That is a normal and completely innocent question for everybody but you.

FYI ... I'm not the Anonymous that sometimes gives you a hard time. There is no need for me to do that because another Anonymous is doing such a fine job of it. I can sit on the sidelines and applaud him, or as you seem to think, her.
Anonymous12 Oct 2008 10:29
A quick Google search would reveal the other:
Anonymous12 Oct 2008 13:18
Lucas is a treasure. And his blog leads to more.
Thank you, thank you very much.
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