Tervitus Afganistani VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Toomas Merilo27 Oct 2009 22:19
Osacr Wilde kord kirjutas, et küünik on see, kes teab iga asja hinda, kuid mitte millegi väärtust [i](A cynic is a man who knows the price of everthing but the value of nothing).[i]

See pisike tervitus video – mis Te olete teinud meie kaitseväelastele – ei maksnud ju midagi. Ja seetõttu võiks küünik öelda, et selle hind on samuti null.

Aga kippun arvama, et selle video väärtus on uskumatult suur.
No Shame28 Oct 2009 07:30
The video that was posted after this one clearly indicates that this was an afterthought. Perhaps even intentional. Completely offensive in their lack of sensitivity and shamefully disingenuous. While others commit themselves - body and soul - to their homeland, the Eesti Maja cabal sings and dances, remembering the patriots as a mere afterthought. This is not leadership.
ABC28 Oct 2009 08:50
Iga video on konkreetne metafoor, kujund. Igal filmil ja videokatkel on olemas konkreetne filmi keel. Igal keelel on olemas tähendus. Igal inimesel vaba tõlegendus vabadus. See on vaba ühiskonna ABC.
Eesti ja Kanada poisid on ka Sinu pärast seal. et Sina saakisd rahulikult iseenda ja nende terviseks sampust juua Selleks Sina saaksid rahus ja sundimatult emakeeles kõnelda, vabalt uskuda ja mitte uskuda, omada oma isiklikke tõekspidamisi maailma ja elu kohta. Just selleks on eesti ja kanada poisid seal, et selles aina väiksemaks muutuvas maailmas püsiksid demokraatlikud põhiväärtused. Ja tea, et ka nemad rõõmustavad sünnipäevadel ja laulavad tervituslaule. See pole mitte mingfilgi kombel shamefully disingenuous
Ja nad on kurvad siis kui on põhjust olla kurvad. Nad on rahukaitseväelased ja rõõmustavad selle üle et Sina võid olla rõõmus ja rahus.
Aga videod ja filmid on metafoorid ja igas tõlegenduses peitub tõlgendaja isik tema maailmavaade.. Tänu neile et me tohime vabalt arvata ja tõlgendada,
$28 Oct 2009 09:27
sa unustasid mainida et nad toovad demokraatiat afghanistani rahvale


$28 Oct 2009 08:14
.28 Oct 2009 08:40
Between "No Shame" and the guy that sends us "Prison Planet", we can safely say that we too have our quota of wierdos.
I wonder, could "No Shame" actually be Maxim? The style calls him to mind. He is also a sucker for conspiracy theories of the sort found in "Prison Planet".
Thoughtful28 Oct 2009 10:32
What a thoughtful response. We're talking about someone who has put their life on the line for their homeland and instead of speaking to that point, you go and attack others. Clearly you don't care about our men serving in Afghanistan or the cause.
12345628 Oct 2009 19:56
are you kidding me ? what is this comment all about? seems to me that old friends wanted to wish someone a Happy Birthday and some very bitter person posts drivel ??
Naive29 Oct 2009 06:42
We can all do a bit more to honour our troops. Making a 30 second video while a camera happened to be at the estonian house stinks of insincertity and is patronizing at best. Shame.
oki29 Oct 2009 10:11
The fact that Canadian Estonian kids write letters to our troops, that one amongst us is remembered on his birthday and kirikuopetaja takes his time to record the greeting, these are all sincere expressions of support.

While one can always do more, Canadian Estonians are doing more than Canadians or Estonians in general.

So what exactly have you done to support our troops? Or what to you think we should do?
Reet Marten Sehr29 Oct 2009 19:01
This video will be very much appreciated by the Estonian troops and especially by Ülo Isberg. There should be more of this happening. It is much more typical of Estos to ignore the positive things that others are doing - often as volunteers. Palju õnne Ülo!
.30 Oct 2009 14:15
I spoke to a Canadian soldier who had recently returned from duty in Afghanistan. Touchingly, he told me how he had received a parcel from Canada. It was addressed to, "To any Canadian soldier." It contained a brief message, from an identified sender, stating that he is in our thoughts and prayers, and a few items -- something interesting to read, a pair of socks and the like.

There are 300 of our "eesti poisid" serving there at the moment, fighting the good fight. It would be simplicity itself to send a modest parcel to each and every one of them to boost their morale.
That's more like it!31 Oct 2009 10:51
Wonderful idea! Thanks for posting that. I wonder if anyone would care to start organizing that? I am certain that volunteers would flock to such an initiative.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Thoughtful (10:32)
Toomas Merilo31 Oct 2009 23:23
To: That's more like it

You wrote:[i]" I wonder if anyone would care to start organizing that? I am certain that volunteers would flock to such an initiative."[i]

How about you starting to organise it. I'll be happy to volunteer after you start it! You have my e-mail address above... just click
Silvi V.29 Oct 2009 20:07
Ilus tervitus eesti sõduritele ja meie oma Ülole!
Lisan omalt poolt ka palju õnne Ülole!
I'm also in line...01 Nov 2009 06:57
...right behind Toomas Merilo.
What we need now is a coordinating committee. (Is that you, EKN?)
Also, a friend of Captain Ülo Isberg should contact him for some advice. We need a list of items that would be most appreciated.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: . (14:15)
Daniel03 Nov 2009 02:34
2007. aasta jõuludeks saadeti Kanadast Eesti sõjaväelastele kootudmütse ja kindaid. Talvel läheb isegi Afganistanis külmaks ja meie mehed olid nende eest väga tänulikud. Eelmine talv soovitasin sama moodi jätkata aga läks nagu läks. Olen nõus Teid siit poolt ka abistama.
aitäh, Daniel03 Nov 2009 09:32
Kas nimekirja on ka saada, nendest kes nüüd teenivad?
Minu meelest, mõned vabatahtlikud võiks suurostja hinnaga hankida sobivad kingitused, neid panna pakenditesse, aadressi ja postmargiga.
Annetajatel oleks lihtne neid osta, lisada sinna oma heasoovi sõnumi ja panna ta teele. Ma usun et see tõstaks "poiste" tuju ja meie saaks andjarõõmu.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: . (14:15), I'm also in line... (06:57)
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