Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
The Russians/Soviets have never offered compensation for "suffering". Why are the Germans doing this? Stalin killed many more than Hitler and the Soviet brutality under occupation lasted for a half century. Somebody is not thinking straight.
Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950 (Eisenhower's Death Camps).
Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950 (Eisenhower's Death Camps).
Russian POW's suffered unduly in German captivity because the Soviet Government refused them aid via the Red Cross.
In the Red Army, surrendering was a crime and soldiers who survived German captivity went to the Gulag.
In the Red Army, surrendering was a crime and soldiers who survived German captivity went to the Gulag.
My point exactly. Why the double standard? Russkies get away with real murder, torture, cruelty etc yet the Germans do the honourable thing. When will the world see the Slavic duplicity? Hoodwinked Churchill and FDR, that is for sure.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Alfons (18:57)
A slight correction: It's communist, not Slavic, duplicity that's at the heart of the matter here. Unfortunately, we see some of that among Estonians, as well, among former commies like Savisaar and Lauristin.
The current generation of Germans are symbolically making partial amends for the iniquity of their Nazi forefathers. Good for them.
I'd like to see some of the same among the current generation of Estonians, but; no such luck, so far.
Savisaar wrote a fat book about the last days of Soviet Estonia where he "forgot to mention" that he was the last commie big shot.
Similarly, Lauristin wrote a fat book, full of lies, explaining that her parents and step-father were innocent idealists to be admired.
The current generation of Estonians repeatedly elect these liars and opportunists to political office. ..... Shame on them!
Perhaps, the next generation of Estonians will finally be free of residual commie brainwashing.
Pray for Estonia!
The current generation of Germans are symbolically making partial amends for the iniquity of their Nazi forefathers. Good for them.
I'd like to see some of the same among the current generation of Estonians, but; no such luck, so far.
Savisaar wrote a fat book about the last days of Soviet Estonia where he "forgot to mention" that he was the last commie big shot.
Similarly, Lauristin wrote a fat book, full of lies, explaining that her parents and step-father were innocent idealists to be admired.
The current generation of Estonians repeatedly elect these liars and opportunists to political office. ..... Shame on them!
Perhaps, the next generation of Estonians will finally be free of residual commie brainwashing.
Pray for Estonia!
Thank you for the correction, one does tend to get worked up and mislabel. Slavs are generally for the main part good people just as Estonians are, the bad apples ruin perceptions, and generalizations result. The so-called June Communists in Estonia were hard to accept for the majority, as were the koputajad. Why were there so many in Saaremaa? One of our fiercest bastions of nationalism? Envy? Estonians are good at that.
Mea culpa. Communists though on their own is also a dangerous label, as the most bloodthirsty ones in Europe belonged to a grouping that one is not allowed to attack at all, but it is historical truth....
Mea culpa. Communists though on their own is also a dangerous label, as the most bloodthirsty ones in Europe belonged to a grouping that one is not allowed to attack at all, but it is historical truth....
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Alfons (18:57), Alfons (12:25)
The Generalplan Ost (Master Plan East, GPO) was a secret Nazi German plan for the colonization of Central and Eastern Europe. Implementation would have necessitated genocide and ethnic cleansing on a vast scale to be undertaken in territories occupied by Germany during World War II.
The Generalplan Ost (Master Plan East, GPO) was a secret Nazi German plan for the colonization of Central and Eastern Europe. Implementation would have necessitated genocide and ethnic cleansing on a vast scale to be undertaken in territories occupied by Germany during World War II.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: james (13:52)
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