Reflections on the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
heeringas08 Jul 2003 12:32
I was reading your thoughts and I feel a little lost about where the Greek theme fits in.... I also feel sad for you. I feel sad because you seem to be embarrassed about who you are and where you come from. I know how funny the Estonian culture can be - first hand - but that only makes it unique and special. I have heard the aktus speeches - speeches from people who care about their home, who try so hard to keep a part of it with them here. I, too, married a Canadian. He, too does not speak Estonian, but that in no way means that he feels that he can't relate to people who share my background. Most Estonians here do speak English and I myself have become a wonderful translator - often making the stories and the aktus speeches even more interestingI think your wife would find it much easier to accept and to feel accepted into this funny culture if you yourself would show some pride in who you are. As for your comment about the choirs - this certainly can not be a valid one. Estonians have one of the most outstanding reputations internationally when it comes to choir music - not to mention the long tradition. Perhaps you consider all music a torture - I have to believe that.... So Peeter, I hope you will find yourself some day. I hope you will find that your background is fascinating and worthy of sharing with others around you. If you won't your life will be that much less lived....
Pole heeringas ega Greek08 Jul 2003 12:43
Kuule heeringas:

Sinu pärast on meri soolane. If you do not know the words to that classic Esto song, I pity you. Like you, I have chosen to be anonymous with this response - but you have chosen cowardice, hiding behing a salty name in your assault on the author of a pretty funny piece. Why? He had the courage to put his name behind it.
Or is it that the nasty kodu-eesti virus of flaming people anonymously on website comment pages has made it here as well?

I think you should read the article again, take things less literally, perhaps with a grain of salt?

Heeringas oli kunagi pyha loom....

Lighten up, will ya?
Anonymous08 Jul 2003 13:02
Hmmmmm. I wonder what's on tv ?
Heeringale09 Jul 2003 09:46
Nõustun sinu komentaariga!
Tunnen paljusi mitte Eestlasi kes naudivad nende abikaasade ja nende perede Eesti kultuuri, toitu, laule, kui mitte aktusi.
Peter11 Jul 2003 18:59
Kirjutan vist inglise keeles sest ma ei tea kas see autor saab eesti keelest aru...
This is probably the most negative article that I have ever read about Estonians and I was quite surprised to read such trash in Eesti Elu. Why should we have our aktused in English? I thought the days of Empire and Orangeism were long gone and we as Estonians were equal to the English, French and other ethnic groups in Canada. Why can we not keep our language and culture?
It sounds like your wife is an extremist English nationalist, the same kind who killed off the Indians and supressed the cultures and languages of other Europeans who helped to build this country. Lets not forget that 20,000 Germans had to leave Canada when their schools were closed and they were forced to educate their children in English.
While intermarriage with non-Estonians is very detrimental to our culture and should be discouraged there are some non-Estonians who have married Estonians and embraced our culture and language. Anglo-Canadian culture is now so Americanized that many of these people look up to us and admire us for so stubbornly hanging on to our European heritage.
Your uncle was right in trying to teach your wife to speak Estonian as we have as much right to try to assimilate others as do the Anglos. If you really want to be a Canadian then forget your English language and learn to speak Inuktitut. Actually, I think our community would be better off without people like you.

Peeter Bush26 Aug 2003 15:14
Huvitav kuidas moned maru rahvulased ei nae midagid humoorid kui kedagid on kullalt kindel oma peale et ennast naerab. Greek Wedding filmis oli nii palu nalja et naersime molemad naisega usna palju. Naine naeris ka luges minu artiklid ennem kui lehte saatsin.

Paistab et monedel on usna orn koht.
Kui mina, juba heas kesk vanuses mees, viitsib aktustel minna labilume tormi ja ka 5 tundi auto soitu teha et Seedrorule minna, siis pean vist kull rumal olema, voi midagid masochist.

Mina tean usna hasti kes mina olen ja mul on hea arvamine kui kaua siit maa eesti seltskond voib kesta. Realsus on realsus ja kui eestist teine suur grupp varsti ei tule, siis on eesti maja ja kirikud varsti kadunud ja kedagid teine immigrant grupp ostab nemad.

Kindlasti e maili kirjuta naeb oma silmaga et iga aasta on vahem inimise aktustel, veel eriti valjaspool Toronto linna. Voibolla tema voiks ennast kusida miks sii nii on, ja miks eestlaskond siin maal kautas peaaegu terve polvekonna ja kuidas eestimaaga inimistega vahekord voiks palju parem olla.

Olen juba mittu korda eestit kullastanud ja olen hasti kirja vahet oma sugulastega seal sellest aejast kui vanemad surid. Meie siin mandril, eriti valjas pool eestit sundinud, ei ole enam eestlased, isegid kui arvame et oleme. Eesti ei ole midagid paraadiis ja pole kunagid seda olnud. Ennamused kes sii tulid olid economic immigrantid ja pole kull naha et palju tahtvad eesti tagasi kolida.
Silk16 Jul 2003 12:25
How depressing...

Get rid of your wife...

Parem veel, pane ennast po~lema...
Peter bush04 Dec 2003 18:55
I will bring you some Baltic bread from Baltic Bakery. Joel I read your articles and love them. take care bye.
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Vaata veel ...

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