Evelyn Koop and the Koop Cup Estonian Life
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Lembit Tork, Tallinn.15 Apr 2018 06:03
I missed what exactly prompted this article at this moment, but it's wonderful to hear of yet another Estonian - alive and kicking evidently at the age of 83 - proving that if you have something to live for/ something to be passionate about, you remain relevant and just keep on going. It's amazing that these are the kinds of people our väliseesti community was brimming with. May their memory and achievements never fade, and forever inspire! I, for one, consider it a rare privilege to have once been part of such a vibrant community, with such exceptional individuals. Keep up the good work Evelyn!
Sceptic20 Apr 2018 13:10
Evelyn has certainly done a lot in Rhythmic Gymnastics, and is delightful, but have the credentials been verified?
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