Tulge Külla: Igavesti Kodukoht / Forever Home VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Congratulations!13 Oct 2018 07:38
Great concept, harmonizes well, testifies beautifully to respect for natural and cultural heritage, extends a touching invitation and has the exciting potential to be a landmark destination. So happy to see this.
It's a good start!13 Oct 2018 09:06
Alas, plenty of obstacles remain.
How will this ambitious project be financed?
Who is going to build it? What will Allan Meiusi's friend Matthews have to say about this? Regarding a previous plan, he complained that it's unacceptable that a developer who "doesn't live in the area" and "is only out to make a buck" should have a hand in such a project.
We can't make everybody happy and, with busibodies like that on the sidelines, we don't stand a chance!
Gambiit13 Oct 2018 13:42
Ausalt kogukonna tulevikule vastu sammudes peaksime juba täna julgema mõtelda,kellele seni veel valmimata keskus edasi müüa. Head juhid mõtlevad kka vähemalt kaks käiku ette.
reader13 Oct 2018 22:15
this is lovely.....but who is going to fund it ?!
2+2=513 Oct 2018 15:42
It's too bad this group did not submit a proposal at any point in the last ten years.

They also didn't present it during 12 months of due diligence when the Estonian Centre was in the balance.

Tulge Koju project was born right after the decision to sell the Estonian House was made for good. What an opportune time to welcome a team of knights on white horses with a grand vision.

The leading knight is the man who works for EWR and wrote a series of conspiratorial articles about how the 4 Organizations are dividing the community. He knows that backing out of selling Estonian House would be a breach of contract, and ends the video cheerfully with the message that Tulge Koju is about unifying the community.

I almost forgot to note that the other volunteers who have been elected to the boards are illegitimate, whereas this group of volunteers represent the grassroots, act in the best interest of real Estonians (not elites), and are subject matter experts whose specialty is calling out other people's hypocrisy.
rkomendant@studiok.ca13 Oct 2018 20:15
An Observer14 Oct 2018 13:10
Is there a due diligence report that the community might examine? The line I like best is about "sizeable donations of professional expertise". Sounds like the Madison project. Virtually all of the individuals involved in the initiative are volunteers. Or as one might say, making sizable donations of professional expertise. We have a small community and should all be supporting the project, instead of creating schisms.
Try the opposite!14 Oct 2018 14:15
The Meiusi-Matthews contribution isn't "a sizable donation of professional expertize" in any positive sense.
:14 Oct 2018 15:22
It is not an alternative plan to Madison, it is a contingency plan in case the Madison project does not go through (Revera does not buy EH).
rkomendant@studiok.ca14 Oct 2018 15:26
This is 'the project'. It has a heartbeat. One only has to watch the video to remember how this place was created at a time when we were "laijali pillutud üle maailma, and everyone was 'all in', not 2/3rds of some sleight-of-hand voting. The steadfastness of these individuals has restored my belief and sense of the "Eesti hing". Thank you! Where do I send my cheque? Väino- please crunch the numbers over here.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: rkomendant@studiok.ca (20:15)
Meiusi's friend Matthews...15 Oct 2018 09:25
...is a guy who lives near Eesti Maja.
Why should he have a veto in this matter?
Meiusi should interview him, again, on video so that he can explain himself.
to Reader14 Oct 2018 21:04
Who is going to fund it? Well, let's go to the same Estonians and groups that the Madison people are desperately soliciting to try to find and fund the $13+ million dollar shortfall they are conservatively facing to build the centre on Madison.
Ingrid Tanner15 Oct 2018 09:22
First off the you have it wrong...

Allan Meiusi gives supporting documents for most or all of his articles. I think you have not actually read them.

Anyone who is interested can look up Allan Meiusi on this website and read he insightful articles. Additionally you will see very well written arguments that are all backed up with facts.

Additionally, as for comments on what can could be done to keep the Estonian house.... I have been very vocal. I pointed out that more venues in the Estonian House equates more income.

Madison is small and the spaces will need to be shared... and you would need to have it booked 100 percent of the time just to make it viable.

If we have multiple rental spaces... we can have some empty and still have revenue at the current and the proposed upgraded Estonian House site.
Correction: Ingrid Tanner15 Oct 2018 09:42
I think you should re-read Allan Meiusi's articles. All of them have a specific format: on a few facts, he constructs an elaborate narrative composed of innuendo and vague allegations of incompetence and impropriety. At Ehatare, he even hinted at criminality.
Cleverly, it's all done with enough ambiguity so that nothing can be proved or disproved.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Meiusi's friend Matthews... (09:25)
to - Ingrid Tanner16 Oct 2018 09:23
Look at Meiusi's articles again!
There, you'll see that his allegations of impropriety are sufficiently vague to preclude the possibility of a slander suit.
He might be evil, but he's not a fool.
to - Ingrid the Gullible17 Oct 2018 15:29
Allan Meiusi's pleonastic style fools only those who wish to be fooled.
Here and Now15 Oct 2018 14:59
Michael Green at University of Toronto...
Tulge on the Tour!

Kadri Wichman15 Oct 2018 15:52
Holy Moly!
WOW! and "NOW,we're talking.!" THIS idea, THIS project addresses all the issues -- eesti community, materials (wood!- nice!), history, physical space needed!, the views possible, the privacy wanted, respect for heritage building, desirable/necessary green open space, revenue streams necessary, the new and the old together, AND.... includes +/-100 private parking spots! This and more, ALL of it possible on our huge, paid-off, well-situated, Broadview Lot! Well, Well Done! Hästi, Hästi Tehtud!I hope our Eesti Maja Lot will soon change from it's present 'diamond in the ruff' status to it's rightful 'polished gem' status as is possible in this presentation. (This kind of presentation is many years overdue.... but that's another topic....) Nevertheless, Imagine that!---Our Toronto Estonian House becoming a Chester Hill Landmark ----visible from Downtown? Wouldn't that be something.....! So, Again, I write "Now we're talking...."!
Kiitust kõigile involved! THIS idea, THIS project is a testament to what our generation is capable of --- "More, not less". THANK YOU! Like Rita Kommendant wrote above, my belief and sense of the eesti hing has also been restored seeing and reading this! I too ask, where and how can I volunteer, where do I send my cheque, and who must I contact to book that lovely, top floor, overflowing with views, glass pavilion?
Reality15 Oct 2018 20:20
Glen Leis22 Oct 2018 14:12
Putting aside the fact that the Estonian House has been sold, drawing the conclusion that “THIS project addresses all the issues” is a serious misrepresentation of the facts. “All of the issues” in my mind would include addressing the financing of the project and zoning to name two critical items; issues that most certainly not addressed by a video and a few drawings. I encourage you, and all others of a similar mindset, to stop for a moment and think about what is actually possible as opposed to what you desire. Should you really want the project to move forward on the old Esto-House site demand some answers as to how these people plan to make it happen. I see a building that looks a lot more expensive than the one planned for Madison; what I don’t see is a plan to make it happen. The ‘Tulge’ plan for Broadview is not a viable project, I put it to you to prove me wrong.

I encourage all of those that have questioned the Madison project to question the ‘Tulge’ plan with the same enthusiasm. Giving ‘Tulge’ a free pass on proper diligence and planning will only prolong a counter-productive debate over apples, a complete plan to build on Madison Ave., and oranges, a mere concept for Broadview Ave.. Once you begin to delve in to the ‘Tulge’ project, I am sure a Potemkin Village will be revealed (….prove me wrong).

That being said, if you just want to be an ‘Ants Tagurpidi’, knock yourself out.
lugeja to Glen:22 Oct 2018 15:04
My understanding is that the Esto House isn't quite sold yet. Here's a quote from the "Sõuame ühes suunas Eesti Elu" article on this same page by Veiko Parming which clearly indicates that there are still conditions to be met:

"Müügi tingimuseks on, et Eesti Maja ostja saab loa ületada miinimum pindala künnise Broadview’l vanadekodu ehitamiseks ..."

Other than that, I agree with everything you say, especially this part - "I encourage all of those that have questioned the Madison project to question the ‘Tulge’ plan with the same enthusiasm.". I would even go one step further and say that it's difficult if not impossible to take seriously a proposal that contains zero information about what it would cost.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: lugeja (05:44)
An Observer15 Oct 2018 18:30
All that is missing is money! I remember from one of the early initiatives that underground parking was incredibly expensive to build. It was going to consume a huge portion of the funds that any condo developer was going to pay for the EH. So, what do 100 parking places cost ? Plus the EH itself. Surely, this has all been costed out?
raccoon115 Oct 2018 19:54
Up to $50,000 per stall so $5,000,000. And Estonians have said they will not pay for parking.
Kadri Wichman15 Oct 2018 20:31
Who are you 'Reality'? What is your real name?....Strange moniker to give yourself because it is not your real name? yet you are 'Reality'? Why hide your 'reality' name?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Kadri Wichman (15:52)
Reality check15 Oct 2018 21:38
Eesti Maja has been sold. This Tulge Koju group DOES NOT own the site nor does it represent Eesti Maja shareholders who ARE represented by an elected board. Tulge Koju has no legal rights to this property.
Reality Check15 Oct 2018 21:45
Previous post mistakenly made reference to Tulge Koju instead of Tulge Külla.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Reality check (21:38)
Check on Reality15 Oct 2018 23:04
So the Esto House has been sold? When is the closing date?
The sale is still dependant on Revera getting a re-zoning for the property. Oh, wait, the last submission was rejected as incomplete. And it seems it has not been re-submitted!
Doesn't even look close to a final sale.
Ingrid Tanner17 Oct 2018 10:05
Someone reminded me... that the board did not ask us to vote on selling the Estonian House... but to allow the due Diligence to be done.

I think we need to have a NEW vote... where the organizations who are involved in the Madison Project should not vote... that means the bank cannot use their votes and that means the Estonian Foundation of Canada (or sihtkapital )

let only the users and and shareholders who are not linked to the success or failure of the Madison Project could not overwhelm the grass roots voters who PURCHACED shares to enable the current Estonian House to be built and upgraded.

That will be a real from the shareholders decision... not the org's

If you believe that Madison has our community support.. then there is nothing to fear if the bulk votes are dismissed.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Ingrid Tanner (09:22)
lugeja16 Oct 2018 05:44
This it a lot more attractive to me than the Madison project and if the sale of the Esto House falls through, hopefully this will be given serious consideration. It would be nice to have more information re. how realistic this project is from a financial perspective. Sounds like it might be too ambitious, if the parking is really a 5 million dollar expenditure than it may be more realistic to leave the parking as it is.
Reality Check16 Oct 2018 09:36
The unknown about the sale of Esto House is the final price of sale which is dependent upon the size of the zoning amendment. If a larger size is approved then the final price will be higher. If not, then Revera will pay less. The range is part of the completed due diligence.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Reality check (21:38), Reality Check (21:45)
Nice Idea16 Oct 2018 10:15
Well the view would be much better, also better parking, and there should be no underground rumble every thirty seconds.
lembit.maimets16 Oct 2018 14:34
Selle majaga on seotud kogu Eesti ühiskonna tegevus Torontos. Unistused Eestist millega me kunagi siia tulime püüti teostada selles majas. Mitukümmend põlve Eestlasi on selles majas koolis, skautides, gaaidides, laulukoorides, rahvatantsus, maleringis, pensinäride klubis, ja kümnetes muudes tegevustes käinud ja kaasa löönud. Selle projekti edust oleneb kindlasti kas meie rahvusgrupp kestab rahvusgrupina, või kaob.
Kui mulle leidub seal koht, aitan meeleldi kaasa et see teoks saaks.
lp.hr. Maimets17 Oct 2018 10:08
Tõepoolest, unistused Eestist millega meie vanemad kunagi siia tulid püüti teostada Eesti Majas. Kahjuks, täna tuleb arvesse võtta, et neid unistusi pekstakse kildudeks.
Eesti meel ja eesti keel ei asu Eesti Maja kestas; pigem meie südametes. Hale on tunnistada, meie hulgas tegeleb hävitus pataljon. Ise nad peksavad kaigastega eesti keelt ning torkavad kaika meie kodaratesse. Ei midagi neile sobi.
Teeks pretensioonitu ettepaneku -- tänapäevast edaspidi, ajame kogukonna asju täielikult eesti keeles, alates lehega.
Teadagi on noorematel raske, aga julgustaks neid ja üsna väikese vaevaga nad parandaks keeleoskust. Lisaks, hävitus pataljon vaibuks ära.
To Reality Check17 Oct 2018 11:17
And if Revera doesn't get the zoning that it's looking for, their due diligence fails and there will be no sale. Sale price = zero.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Check on Reality (23:04)
To - lp vastaja17 Oct 2018 11:31
Näib, et meie vastajal on meelest kadunud kaikamehed, Sirge Koridor ja ajakirjanduse kohtu protsessid. Keele oskus ei vähendanud kodarate torkimist.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Check on Reality (23:04), To Reality Check (11:17)
Avid reader17 Oct 2018 17:14
And you don't find pleonasm helpful? Pleonastic phrases can help ensure that the entire meaning gets across. :()
Dear Avid Reader18 Oct 2018 06:26
Meiusi uses wordy and ambiguous language to sidestep slander suits.
An Observer17 Oct 2018 18:29
Without a due diligence report, this newly surfaced proposal is akin to a mirage. I have to smile at how the proponents of Madison are accused of lack of transparency, funding shortfalls, etc. Yet here we have this contingency plan that is nothing more than an architect's rendering. $5 million for parking is serious money.
To Observer17 Oct 2018 19:05
Interesting that a due diligence report is immediately required. The Madison Project took it's own sweet time in producing it and still has a serious and unresolved shortfall. Perhaps we should wait and see how this proposal unfolds. There could be unexpected surprises.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Avid reader (17:14)
An Observer17 Oct 2018 19:44
I always look at finances. None were presented with respect this initiative. $5 Million for parking is a pretty significant omission. Nothing was costed out. I will be dubious with respect to any initiative when the math isn't done. I am not sold by being presented with pretty pictures. To me, community is important. The site less so. I am not married to the Broadview location.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: An Observer (18:29)
Repliik19 Oct 2018 18:21
Nii et kaikameestest on tänase assimiliseerunud eestlase jaoks kasu ka, ei pea eesti keelt õppima.
Architect talk this Thurs20 Oct 2018 13:40
Micheal Green, Canadian architect renown for wooden structures, is giving talk this Thursday in Toronto. This is the type of building Lembit Tork is proposing for his design. Register here:

reader21 Oct 2018 18:48
So then you can buy the Broadview property and renovate or build whatever you want on it, since some seem to be so attached to that location. Good Luck!!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: reader (22:15)
Miks mitte?21 Oct 2018 19:47
958 Broadview is a great location, accessible by all means of transport, public and private. And the view would be incredible- the lot is a good size. One would have to be a complete idiot not to see the advantages of this location compared to Madison. Or blind! Why get bogged down in traffic, drive around the block looking for a parking spot, hit a bicyclist or 2 trying to turn on Bloor- for a patch of glass soon to be overlooked by a maze of towers with a subway rumbling underneath? Just to be near a tall tower named Tartu? As they say in Estonian, uskumattu!! Wake up, people! Take back our house!
:26 Oct 2018 10:56
Interesting article today in The Globe and Mail Real Estate section about tall wood buildings in Canada.

Not available online, but most of the content is from here

Nice projects with old frontage and modern back, constructed with glulam, not unlike the Tork's vision.
Looking to the future26 Oct 2018 17:31
Unlikely Montessori school will want to pay higher rents and have a reflecting pool behind the Eesti Maja. I can see them now all over the lawn with toys and bikes. We've already lost parking spots, keskmine saal and the old laulutuba to Montessori.

Some great ideas which maybe the Madison project could incorporate. The ship has sailed for the Eesti Maja on Broadview.

Let's get behind the Madison project and stop dithering! This move should have been done decades ago.
An Observer27 Oct 2018 10:03
I see that there is an information meeting for the Madison project on November 7th. I am interested in how the project is proceeding. We should all be there.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: An Observer (18:30)
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