Eesti Elu Juhtkiri 47 2018 Rännaku lõpu algus
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Tere tulemast!25 Nov 2018 12:32 is-valimistel-kandideerida
riigivastane tegevus25 Nov 2018 16:10
'mingi eliidi enesehuvides’:

If the writer is oblivious, and readers are not seeing challenges covered in their papers, where are we headed, with the help of our media? The alternative to questioning, to consultation of diverse sources, to research and critical thinking, is being prey to manipulation. What incredible, shameless and reckless laziness! It is work to do politics, to exercise authority, not rely on power, to analyze and not conflate issues with all-levelling ("mingi" indeed) sloganeering.

What will it take before it is recognized that this is not an adequate solution? What needs to be cultivated is the ability to affirm and defend particularity, of place.

Or maybe we have actually reached a point where no one reads these anymore, and it is enough to some end just to go through the motions of fulfilling a traditional role.

A couple of noteworthy sidebars:

an example of an EU initiative that concerns us all:

and on Trump, sloganeering, and public service:
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