The Estonian parliamentary elections will be held in Estonia March 3, 2019 Estonian Life
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Tule eile meile?02 Feb 2019 23:29
Would the EDITOR please supply the news source?

If the purpose of this piece is to encourage people to exercise their right to vote, the timing actually does the opposite, as would the language and presentation of ideas, unless one already knew and understood who can vote.

Note the date of publication 02 Feb 2019 EL (Estonian Life)


"Please send a free-hand written request for a voting ballot to the Ottawa Embassy BY FEBRUARY 1ST"

"The voters for whom an electoral district has not been assigned, are primarily those who were not born in Estonia nor have ever resided in Estonia." (above)


"An Estonian citizen may not simultaneously hold the citizenship of any other country."

Does EVERYONE understand the relationship of the concepts of citizenship, electoral district, and voting right ("qualified to vote") ?

The piece begins with "Estonian citizens living abroad" and "Estonian citizens who are in Canada” as the subjects to whom the information is addressed. Are we talking about "EX-PATS", as Laas Leivat does in an opinion piece titled "Estonian parliamentary elections: Be prepared and vote"? The bold caption reads “VOTE”. In Estonian, in an editorial version, his bold caption reads "KÕIK VALIMA!"? But who is "KÕIK"?

Why in Leivat's piece in Estonian does he refer (albeit in passing) to citizens by descent (sünnijärgsed kodanikud) but he makes no mention of this category in his English version? Readers may not know of the decision by the Estonian Parliament to legislate in 1995:

"No one may be deprived of citizenship by birth.
Estonian citizenship:
is acquired by birth if at least one parent has Estonian citizenship".

Or in the language of Wikipedia:

"Estonian citizenship – based primarily on the principle of jus sanguinis – is governed by a law promulgated on 19 January 1995 by the Riigikogu which took effect on 1 April 1995.

Eligibility for Estonian citizenship
By descent
Children born to parents, at least one of whom was an Estonian citizen at the time of birth (regardless of the place of birth) are automatically considered Estonian citizens by descent.

Estonian citizenship obtained by descent is inalienable”

The omission of this information about Estonian citizens, in all these pieces intended to encourage voting, might prevent people from exercising their right to vote by actually shutting down an opportunity to connect with who they truly are.
tänapäev03 Feb 2019 08:18
esimene teade valimiskorraldusest oli juba 10. januaril

ja siis veel 19. januaril

Valida saavad kõik EV kodanikud. Kui neil valimisringkonda ei ole, siis see määratakse.
avid reader09 Feb 2019 09:09
If memory serves me correctly, Leivat's first article about the 2019 elections already appeared in the fall of 2018, plenty of time for readers to get a heads up. On numerous occasions over the years Leivat has discussed the concept of 'citizenship by birthright' (sünnjärgne kodakondus), the primacy of the Estonian Constitution over the Law on Citizenship and related issues.
citizenship through descent12 Feb 2019 23:13
Estonia may be only country in the world which gives citizenship through descent without any restrictions. In most countries you can get only citizenship of parents of grandparents. In Hungary, number of generation is not limited but in that case you have to speak Hungarian! But in Estonia, constitution supposedly means every descendant of an Estonian citizen is a birthright Estonian. That rule is quite absurd and works only because Estonia is a small country, which citizenship has never been too attractive. Because after thousand years almost everybody on planet is a birthright Estonian citizen under that rule.
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