The Age of Silence
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Peter30 Oct 2003 05:42
Looks like Peeter is at it again! Instead of slandering our local Estonian community he has decided to pick on Päts who was probably the greatest leader that the Estonian people ever had.
It is true that Päts took dictatorial powers but what you did not write about was the extent of the threat to his government not only from the Communist Party but from the Vabadussõjalaste Liit as well. Members of this party tried to assassinate Päts, at on time some were arrested with explosives just before they were able to plow him up at a ribbon cutting ceremony. These threats were real at that time and can not be looked upun in the context of Canada's politics today. Päts was effective and deserves credit for keeping the Estonian government alive for as long as he did. Yes, he made some mistakes, the biggest on was trusting the Soviet Union but he can not be compared in any way to the current Estonian leadership. There is not one single polititian today who can in any way be compared to this great man!

Peeter Bush16 Nov 2003 19:40
I'm glad that somebody is reading my stuff and has taken the time to post a message even though he or she doesn't wish to identify themselves.

It would be nice if you identified yourself and even nicer if you took the time to send your comments to the EE print editorship. I'm confident that your views would be seriously considered and possibly printed. Are you ashamed of being a fan of the former president?

Your comments indicate both an interest and some knowledge about the topic. Unfortunately, your spelling detracts somewhat from your message. I'm confident the EE editorial board would fix up your English and also prevent you from writing anything slanderous.

One of the things that has bothered me about President Pats is the circumstances of his death. I understand that he died in a hospital of stomach cancer sometime in the early 1950's. I would have expected that he would have been shot in some basement right away or disappeared into the Gulag. Stalin was not noted for feeding useless mouths and almost all the former senior Estonian government members, including heads of government as well as senior military officers were liquidated almost immediately.
An exception was General Laidoner who also died much later, although at least in prison. Perhaps you could set out your thoughts on these circumstances.

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