Eesti Elu juhtkiri 50 2019 Soome naised juhivad riiki
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Värskendav seisukoht16 Dec 2019 14:43
Hea mõtlema panev artikkel. Värskendav seisukoht siin lehes.

Kahjuks Eestis EKRE rahvas ei hinda naiste panust, tundub et nad panevad naisi all igal võimalusel. Ma nii ootan EKRE vihkamise ajastu üle minemist. Tundub, et läheb veel kaua aega.
!16 Dec 2019 16:30
What pathetic claptrap … nevertheless, excellent politically correct virtue signalling.

In 1906, Finnish women were the first in Europe to have full voting and candidacy rights, and since then they have been full participants in Finland's democracy.

When you evaluate people as to who would be best suited to lead, you look at their policies and track record, not gender, or whatever is the politically correct flavour of the day.

Is newly crowned Social Democrat Prime Minister Marin, headed to the same fate that befell Kim Campbell,
(and threatens the Social Democrat parties of Europe) ?
e m rootsis17 Dec 2019 00:20
Juba Aristoteles filosofeeris naistest....
In his Politics, Aristotle saw women as subject to men, but as higher than slaves, and lacking authority; he believed the husband should exert political rule over the wife. Among women's differences from men were that they were, in his view, more impulsive, more compassionate, more complaining, and more deceptive. He gave the same weight to women's happiness as to men's, and in his Rhetoric stated that society could not be happy unless women were happy too. Whereas Plato was open to the potential equality of men and women, stating both that women were not equal to men in terms of strength and virtue, but were equal to men in terms of rational and occupational capacity, and hence in the ideal Republic should be educated and allowed to work alongside men without differentiation, Aristotle appears to have disagreed. //
Tarmo Multanen18 Dec 2019 08:54
Soovitan härra Naelapeale mitte kirjutada asjadest, millest ta aru ei saa....
lugeja19 Dec 2019 05:04
Aga valgusta siis meid Tarmo, me kuulame sind.
Tarmo Multanen21 Dec 2019 11:28
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