The second generation
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Peter20 Dec 2003 21:13
You may call it "cultural and linguistic assimilation" but I call it cultural and linguistic genocide. What you call "integration" into Canadian society is really integration into English society. I am no less Canadian than the English. I was born here and am as much of a Canadian as they are but my first language is Estonian, not English.
You referred to me as a "marurahvuslane" (extreme nationalist) in one of your previous comments but unlike the English-Canadians, I have never advocated the destruction of their language and culture and consider myself to be their equal. Not better, not less.
The Ukrainians are a good example of an ethnic group that has almost been destroyed by the Anglos. Their whole educational system that was comprised of hundreds of schools in Western Canada was banned and has just recently been revived. Of course, in a 50 year period irreplacable damage has been done to this unique and very Canadian culture.
The Germans are another ethnic group that were discriminated against so badly that thousands of them left for Mexico because that country allowed them a fundamental human right, the right to educate their children in their own language.
I am not bitter or angry at the English for what they have done to other Europeans in Canada, I just believe that in the year 2003 we can look at some of the reasons behind what you refer to as "assimilation" in an objective way.
It is ironic that now it is the Anglos who are dying out and whose culture is being replaced, this time by non-European, non-Western and non-Christian cultures.

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