"Mega march" in support of Ukraine took over downtown Toronto VIDEO
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
An activist28 Feb 2022 06:14
This is the first time that I have seen EWR at a rally against Putin. They usually support Estonia’s extremist far right party EKRE, which has invited an occupation.
You have no credibility and have undermined real activists who have tirelessly worked to advance community issues. Go home and stay home.
Peace and love28 Feb 2022 10:55
So much hate in you, too much.
Markus Alliksaar07 Mar 2022 00:01
This is an absolutely stupid comment on so many levels. You slander the proprietors of this web site based on false statements. Everything you just stated is not only false but it is obviously false.

No wonder creeps like you wish to remain anonymous.

You love to slither about in the shadows spitting out your vile poison.
Irony07 Mar 2022 09:15
Just like you spitting your own poison, defaming the characters of those running the KESKUS project. No wonder you were booted off the board.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: To 'An Activist' (08:30)
G.28 Feb 2022 07:40
I'm glad to see so many Estonians showed up to support Ukraine. And other Balts as well. F..k Putin!
To 'An Activist'28 Feb 2022 08:30
Totally agree. I personally consider EWR in the same camp as RT. Too bad it hasn't been taken down as well.
dialogue28 Feb 2022 09:46
I'm glad that EWR is a forum where people can voice their opinions. It leads to understanding of positions that may not necessarily be your own, or at least recognition that there may be more than one opinion in the community. Listening should be encouraged; many are too quick to sound off before reflecting and learning the reasons behind the other opinion. Labeling and name-calling serves no useful purpose. Study the source of conflict and find ways to bring sides together, heal wounds.

The most important thing is that we are Estonians, and when the sovereignty of Estonia is ever challenged again, that we step together as one. That is when petty arguments must fall by the wayside. Elagu Eesti! Elagu vaba Ukarina ja teised vabad Euroopa riigid. Kaitseme NATO’t.
:28 Feb 2022 10:04
Amen to that!
What?28 Feb 2022 21:49
EWR promotes division and anger. It’s a Soviet style outlet in every regard, and has played a significant role in dividing our community. I agree, we would be much better off without it.
Markus Alliksaar07 Mar 2022 00:05
Dear What?

And you promote unity and healing by demanding things you don't agree with be banned?

No wonder you don't have the courage to use your own name.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Markus Alliksaar (00:01)
Fear rules!01 Mar 2022 08:46
Just like in 2014, when Russia took over Crimea. The West did nothing. Now in 2022, as Russia invades Ukraine, not one Western country is willing to send troops to help the Ukrainian people, because Putin has his finger on the nuclear launch button. Not even NATO or the "paper tiger" UN will send in peacekeeping troops. So in time, many Ukrainians will die, Russia will have annexed Ukraine and the West will say "SO Sad, so bad!" Next the Baltic states will also be annexed. Maybe it's time we send our Canadian truckers over to Ukraine to clean up that mess. At least they have the balls to do something.
To ‘Fear’01 Mar 2022 11:56
Problem is these thug truckers you glorify received much adulation and financial support from the Putin regime for their occupation of Ottawa. Given their track record those degenerates would more than likely join a Russian occupation of Ukraine as well. Shame on you indeed.
Poilievre for PM01 Mar 2022 12:11
Fake news. There is no evidence of any financial support for truckers coming from Russia.
Pollievre Jah!02 Mar 2022 21:42
Trucker is heroes, no doctor who inject with tracking. EWR is truck freedom, no vaktsiin. No vaktsiin. Goose fat ja freedom!
Silent Majority01 Mar 2022 15:54
The trucker bums could take a lesson from all these great people who gathered in Toronto, Hamilton, and all over the world. THIS is a peaceful protest. THIS is how you protest and get your message across. Unfortunately they opted for a criminal occupation.
To S M02 Mar 2022 09:04
How about we show some compassion for the fellow human beings, who bring you fresh fruit from the States and the items you order on Amazon to Hamilton. Yes, the various trucker groups could have done a considerably better job at protesting, but the impetus for the convoy needs some thought and introspection. Your pointed language only sows further division.
Markus Alliksaar07 Mar 2022 10:17
Dear Activist, er, I mean Irony:

So now you tell 2 lies about me and are still slinking in the shadows like a coward.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Markus Alliksaar (00:01), Markus Alliksaar (00:05)
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