Canada supports KESKUS with $750,000
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
An Observer21 Jul 2023 09:19
Kudos to the Keskus team for landing this grant! Thank you Canadian government! I must however emphasize that incomplete information - as is the case with this article - is annoying. Perhaps the author should cite the fact that the current size of the facility is significantly larger than was initially proposed. Yes, there has been cost inflation, but that's only part of the story.
really?21 Jul 2023 10:55
All I'm hearing are cutbacks from what was originally promised, classic bait and switch. No volleyball court, reduced school facilities, etc. If you count hot air from KESKUS, the facility has expanded 10 fold though.
Viimane Hoop21 Jul 2023 16:15
Tähendab et kui Trudeau ikka võimus 2030a. ta siis ilmuks Keskuse avatseremooniale... umbes samal ajal kui Kanada saavutab "net zero" sihtmärgi
Tv21 Jul 2023 17:01
Ma sòòn pùksid àra kui Trudeau ei kadunud 2 aasta pàrast.
4 more years25 Jul 2023 17:31
Mina väga kiidan Trudeau. On väga tubli PM olnud ja tõenäoliselt jääbki ametisse. Pole mingit põhjust teda asendada ja kui oleks, kes tema aseks tuleks, Polievre?? See oleks nali.
On dialysis22 Jul 2023 18:14
Not surprising at all. KESKUS is a noble undertaking. Thank you PM Trudeau for your government’s continued support of our esto bretheren north of the border.
Northern Esto23 Jul 2023 05:30
What a waste of taxpayers money. It is embarrassing to read that the KESKUS cult is now begging from the government. I have heard rumours that it may actually cost 60 million to build this white elephant. Time to give up and declare bankruptcy before any more money is wasted that could be put to good use for our community.
Better than you23 Jul 2023 07:26
There they go again…the Friends spreading gossip, rumour, and misinformation. Time for a new playbook guys. As for the majority of us toronto estos, fantastic news on the grant. Deeply grateful to the KESKUS leadership team for all their hard work and committment. The vast majority of us are with you!
To Better than you23 Jul 2023 17:18
I wonder, you never had involved any business. Who is the " hard worker" in Keskus??? The Keskus is like a unborn baby...
lugeja24 Jul 2023 12:27
41 million, holy smokes. I can only imagine what could have been done with 41 million at the Broadview Ave. location. Sigh.
Truth is painful30 Jul 2023 07:54
This Keskus project is not a sustainability plan for the Toronto Estonian community but instead for the Northern Birch Credit Union. The Credit Union has now been able to move from a low traffic residual area to a high traffic main street address in Toronto. Even the old Estonian House management is not running this Keskus project. It is the Credit Union running the affairs. Rumour has it that the Keskus project does not even have a building permit in place since the TTC has not given the green light to build upon their tunnels yet. Funny how transparency has been discarded in this "Oh so popular project."
Estonians displaced again24 Jul 2023 18:52
Let's have another cheer for the Keskus project. Aside from creating a split community you have also done away with the shooting range, art gallery, Estonian craft store, Estonian cafe and a meeting place for Estonians to celebrate birthdays, weddings and wakes. "Nowadays when an academic diktat not only confounds our common sense but also contradicts our direct personal experience, we tend to reject the diktat, not just accept it blindly. (Graham Hancock)
Luts25 Jul 2023 19:54
Happy to cheer for keskus, thank you very much. Donated as well. Hope you did too. There is a beautiful new era beginning for all Estonians of the diaspora. Thank you for your participation.
Clarification26 Jul 2023 17:47
Ok so lets review: keskus will have a cafe, art gallery, place for folks to congregate. Only thing youre really losing is a shooting gallery. And if you really want that just head into Greektown at 3am.
Trudeau25 Jul 2023 18:46
Ma sain isa kàest peaagu rihma kui valisin NDP. Ja teinekord kui sòitsin autole suure mòlgi sisse..
Trudeau ja 4 aastat, sinu isa vist tòuseks hauast ùles ja annaks rihma. rahu tema pòrmule. sa oled puhta "punane". Poole ajuga.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: To Better than you (17:18)
Freud26 Jul 2023 17:59
You canadian estos have no idea how good you have it. Yet all you do is complain. Youre about to have a marvelous new esto house yet from afar it seems like there are still those who only want to see it fail. WHY? Why would you not want to see this succeed? Totally boggles the minds of your bretheren south of the border.
lugeja29 Jul 2023 11:40
I don't think anyone wants it to fail, some are just upset that we didn't keep the Esto House where it was.

That said, there is something disturbing about the Toronto Esto society which makes me envy those in New York and Chicago - there is something about the way we do things here that it very off-putting to people that move here from Estonia to the point where there are are huge number of such Estos here who want nothing to do with our organizations, and the only Estos they hang out with are others that have moved here from Estonia. The opposite is true in New York and Chicago where newcomers are welcomed, integrated, happy to be involved and making massive contributions.

This makes me sad. Less and less Estonian is being spoken in the Toronto Estonian community as time goes by while this tremendous resource of people from Estonia is being wasted. Why are things so different in New York and Chicago? That's a rhetorical question food for thought for anyone that cares.
Diplomaat29 Jul 2023 14:30
The reason estos from Estonia are turned off by Canadian estos comes down to how they are received. There is a high degree of arrogance among Canadian estos. I myself have heard many claim there would not be an Eesti if it wasn’t for them (ironic considering these words are spoken predominantly by those who do t even know Estonian themselves). They regard themselves as more Estonian that the actual people born and raised in VABA EESTI and have come here. Simple as that. In the US communities kodueestlased are welcomed as a connection to the Isamaa. They are encouraged to help up learn more. To help us connect. This is why the communities in Washington, New York, LA, and Chicago are thriving. Newcomers are treated as valued additions to the community, rather than as a lesser form of Estonian.
lugeja30 Jul 2023 06:29
Diplomaat, I agree 100% and you said it perfectly! Especially your last sentence - Newcomers are treated as valued additions to the community, rather than as a lesser form of Estonian.

That's exactly the way it is. I've for example heard one leading figure in our community say that the stronger ones escaped from Eesti and the weaker ones stayed behind (just one example, there are many others). Embarrassing and shameful, what a waste.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: lugeja (11:40)
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