Reformierakond jätkab Kaja Kallasega, Eesti 200 valis uueks esimeheks Margus Tsahkna
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
*22 Nov 2023 18:38
Varsti on ka Kallase, Tsahkna, ja Trudeau aeg täis.

Notice to Readers26 Nov 2023 10:11
The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.
Sanders for Prez28 Nov 2023 16:31
Thank you notice. I salute you. It is the duty of every decent human being to call out this garbage for what it is. Dangerous! Please do not ever stop.
BLM29 Nov 2023 09:00
Founder Fisher: "I think personally it is the duplicity of the Democrats. We’re not stupid. The brothers are not stupid. We understand when someone’s for us and when someone is not and it’s obvious that the Democratic party is not for us."
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: * (18:38)
Gateway Pundit29 Nov 2023 09:03
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: * (18:38), BLM (09:00)
ärbert von kaerajaan25 Nov 2023 06:08
go Salakauba Kaja!
Lumpy26 Nov 2023 15:04
The reader is really lunatic, wiped out trash... Sorry
to: Notice to readers27 Nov 2023 11:33
okay so we know you don't approve of news organizations that are "pro-MAGA", could you please tell the readers what, in this article is:

-a falsehood
-a hoax
-which conspiracy theory

Otherwise, it is really you who is dis-informing the readers. (We already knew that!)
Biden 202428 Nov 2023 16:19
Wow..’noticed to readers’ really freaked you out didn’t they? Such is always the case when the light of truth shines on the darkness of evil. And make no mistake…MAGA IS EVIL. The greatest threat to western democracy in history. But have no fear..MAGA will lose. Probably time to start planning your exit strategy.
Lumpy28 Nov 2023 17:04
Biden 2024 paki asjad kokku ja koli Hiinasse, Cuba ootab sind sotsialism "òitseb" tàis rinnal. Sinu vanavanemad màletasid sotsislismi!!
Sina oled àra hellitatud ajupestud kàpik nukk. Trump vòidab nagunii. Bideni topis on dementia haige vanur.
Kutsu ta Ehataresse saad tema mòtetut mòla kuulata...
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Lumpy (15:04)
Dumpy28 Nov 2023 18:53
Kohe näha kuidas Lumpy ja tema tüüpid tõde nii kardavad. Arusaadav. Andestus ootab. Selge et elupõhjus on neil lõppemas.
Lumpy28 Nov 2023 20:03
Vastupidi, Dumpy kardab tòde! Lenin ajas Venemaal oma " tòde" tagajàrg oli nàha. Gulaag,siberi laagrid eestlastele. Nùud on jàrgmine tòeotsija Putin oma lambakarja ees.
Kallas keeleb àra tòe, vihakòned karistatakae seadusega, tàpselt kommunism.. Trudeau vòttis seaduse vastu pani ennast ainuvalitsejaks meeleavalust laiali ajama trucking juhtide vastu, Ottawas. Sòjaolukorda polnud need on kòik "tòdede" otsijad...
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Lumpy (15:04), Lumpy (17:04)
Boris29 Nov 2023 12:32
Truckers were nothing more than russia backed thugs. Should’ve been rounded up and their rigs impounded within a week of the start of their occupation. Revoke the licences of all participants.
real notice to readers29 Nov 2023 12:53
Please note that the conspiracy theory about Russian support to the truckers convoy does not have any proof whatsoever. Even CBC was forced to submit correction.
Just so you know29 Nov 2023 14:30
“..the most aggressive fake news sites and associated YouTube channels, such as InfoWars, The Gateway Pundit, and The Daily Stormer, are routinely sued by victims of these published reports for libel and defamation."

GP shares some pretty despicable company.
hmmm01 Dec 2023 13:55
Interesting TDS opinion, just who has sued gateway pundit and how much did they get? Now, the ongoing charge from two Georgia election workers ... video evidence says ...?
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: * (18:38), BLM (09:00), Gateway Pundit (09:03)
Lumpy29 Nov 2023 18:36
Boris màngib lolli vòi on ajukàabik.Ajab hùlgemòla. Putinit ei koti mingi rekkade paraad Ottawas.
Tean mitmeid tuttavad, kes olid koha peal rahulik protest. Preagu Torontos lòugavad juudi vastased organisatsioonid. Politsei vaatab pealt. Boris mine kohale ja vaata. Putin saatis sinna oma mehi...
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: Lumpy (15:04), Lumpy (17:04), Lumpy (20:03)
Limpy01 Dec 2023 06:35
Sinu tuttavad on valetajad. Polnudottawas midagit rahulik. Ööläbi lärmamist, lõhkumist ehk kaos. Ja torontos, pole midagit juudivastane vaid inimõiguste poolt. Israel proovib tervet palestiinlase rahvast hävitada. Kümmekordselt rohkem inimesi tappnud kui hamas. Seda tuleb protestida.
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