On Esto newspapers
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
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EstoKannuk23 Jan 2004 06:03
I don't believe it was mentioned anywhere that the EKN has problems recruiting Vollunteers. Their election ballot has always been quite full.
I was referring to another organization and know that many (organizations) share this problem.
Orwell23 Jan 2004 06:01
Peter, our seperatist, who would like to like to establish Estonian enclaves within Canada is cause for discomfort. His vision, in place, would have us look like the Mennonite community -- isolated for no good reason and contoured by ideals of a golden age that probably didn't exist. Curiously, Peter's vision includes no ties to contemporary Estonia.
Peter23 Jan 2004 07:43
I have been called many names here but never a separatist. I am not advocating that we start our own country and have always promoted the idea that we are also a part of Canadian society and equal to the other ethnic groups who have colonized this country. Some of you are uncomfortable with my idea of setting up an Estonian community here but have no problem with communities where other European languages are spoken such as French and English or even German and Ukranian. I would like to point out that there are Estonian speaking communities in other countries. There are several in Russia, Turkey and Kazakstan. There is 1 in Australia (Eesti Küla). There have been attempts to set up Estonian colonies in Spain And Costa Rica. The first wave of pre-war Estonian immigrants set up communities in Alberta and British Columbia. Admiral Pitka started a colonization society to create a nation within a nation here in Canada and I have always been and will continue to be a proponent of his ideas.
The Latvian community on the US has recently created their own colony, I think it is in Arizona or California and they have a great website with lots of info on this experiment. There are not many more Latvians than Estonians here in North America.
One of the biggest problems with the post-war Estonian exile community as opposed to the pre-war Estos was that they saw there stay here as temporary. Some did not even bother to learn English since they hoped to return to Estonia as soon as the situation returned to normal and the Soviets pulled out. They were not interested in the survival and advancement of our language and culture in Canada and saw themselves as Estonians rather than Canadians. The current decline of our community is a reflection of that mentality.
To IRW, I have had many debates with you in the past and look forward to many more but lets keep it civil. I am only advocating ideas here that will keep our culture alive and do not mind if they are controversial. I am not intentionally insulting you or your ideas in this forum. You say that it is the right of parents to decide whether or not to teach their children Estonian but I hope you understand that by not teaching their children the language they are preventing them from becoming a part of our community and are denying them the right to make that choice. I have met so many young people who regret not understanding Estonian and truly feel sorry for them. Estonian is a difficult language to learn and many of them are now enrolled in courses but few of them will ever become fluent speakers.
To Peeter Bush, I never thought I would do this but I have to commend you for starting this discussion in the Eesti Elu forum with your columns. You now hold the record for the number of comments posted for any column and I hope that you will continue to write your opinions And get more lively debates going in this website.

Anonymous23 Jan 2004 09:17
The biggest problem is that Peeter Bush is not informed and would seem to rather read about the experience of others rather than venture out for himself.

Last year was his first time back to Estonia, yet he doesn't even bother to "look in his own back-yard". I agree with Eedu's Apa, Hr. Bush get educated or at least get some local experience before you start writing about what you "see".
sceptical23 Jan 2004 09:03
I think the terms you use probably scare people a bit. Setting up a colony sounds like you want to set up a cult or a Fifth Column...cults usually end with everyone killing themselves with their "us against the world" mentality. And I would tone down talking about orangemen, etc., it makes you sound like a nut. All that stuff is in the past, move on. If you talk to people in the "language" that they are used to, you are more likely to get through to people. I would maybe call your dream place a commune or a 'heritage village' or find something more catchy to capture people's imagination. So what's the Latvian 'colony' website? Maybe we can get a better idea of what you are talking about, if we check it out. You might get a group of people together to live in a commune type set-up...you could tie in an organic-lifestyle, back-to-nature set-up, which is popular these days, but you are going to be hard pressed to find a group of people who will live in a rigid, only Estonian-speaking environment.
Female perspective23 Jan 2004 09:13
I perceive the EKN as an established boys club with its own narrow agenda. Why should I volunteer if my opinions and ideas won’t be heard? And has EKN ever had a female voice in its ranks? Yes, I see a handful of women in their member photos, but we never hear from them as EKN members.

We tend to see as many women volunteer in other Estonian orgs as men, if not more. This is not the case with the EKN. Something for “the boys” to ponder.
EstoKannuk23 Jan 2004 09:45
There are, to my knowledge, close to 20 Estonian families (incl. Couples) living, full time, in Jõekääru.

There's the start of our own village!
Anonymous23 Jan 2004 11:49
There used to be around 10 familes at Seedrioru but has dropped to around 4 families that live year round
Toomas Allikas23 Jan 2004 12:03

Olen Toomas Allikas (24) Tallinnast ja otsin kedagi, kes aitaks mind!!
Alustasin projekti http://allikas.pri.ee/e-organi... ja olen selle autor
ning tegelenud projekti elluviimisega alates 2003 algusest.
Äriprojekti kirjutamine hakkab jõudma lõppfaasi aga võimalus
jõuda õigete investoriteni on mul igati äralõigatud.
Olen suhtlenud tuntud Eesti poliitikute ja ärimeestega
aga tulemuseks on se, et projekti on tahetud lihtsalt käest ära võtta.
Nüüdseks on projekt kinnitatud ja õigused kaitstud.
Projekt annab tööd kokku umbes 140-le inimesele.
Finantsprojekt on ennast igati õigustav ja edukas.
Projekti eelarve on ca. 5,200,000 Eur.
Kas keegi oskab nõu anda, et kuhu peaksin pöörduma?

Ette tänades,
Toomas Allikas
Anonymous23 Jan 2004 12:28
Vaevalt dot.com'ile leiad Kanadast toetust. Noorus töötab ka sulle vastu, rahahankimise mõttes. Kas oled C.E.B.A.'ga ühendust võtnud?
oki23 Jan 2004 13:21
hmm, see sinu website näeb välja nagu Nigeeriast raha ülekandmise email. Ja ainult natuke üle 5 milj. EUR?! No see on ju ainult köömes siinsete rahameeste taskus. Tegelikult on mul see raha pangas olemas ja ootab sinusuguseid ettevôtlikke mehi. Vôin üle kanda. Ainukeseks probleemiks on Kanada neetud pangasüsteem, nad tahavad 2% ülekandest endale. Kui sul on vôimalus mulle see 2% tasuda, siis kannan raha kohe üle.
Young Person's Opinion23 Jan 2004 12:54
I am an Estonian-Canadian in my teens, living in Toronto. I am proud to have this heritage and speak the language well enough. But this isn't the case everywhere. I can see friendships built on the fact that the friends are of Estonian heritage, but the language is gone. Most people my age will speak English between each other and only use Estonian funny-sounding words, words with no translation or expletives. Without pressure put on by parents, grandparents and other organizations, the language will disappear. I also see many adults speaking English between each other and only switching to Estonian to talk to us kids. The Estonian language is great and without effort, it will start dying in Canada after the older generations start dying. The Canadian culture is taking over. However, I can say that organizations such as rahvatants and skaudid are yet to start disappearing. Young people still have interest. Elagu Eesti!
Anonymous23 Jan 2004 22:19
From what you wrote, I understand that you speak Estonian fluently, but you speak English with your Esto friends. What if you tried speaking to them in Estonian only, just as an experiment in the beginning? How hard could it be? Try: 'Proovime rääkida ainult eesti keeles.' Or if that is too overt or too 'uncool', just answer them in Estonian in your normal conversational voice. It works for me. The conversation usually turns back to Estonian without a hassle. I don't think I've lost any friends that I care about because of this.
Peter24 Jan 2004 05:59
I am not talking about a cult or commune, just having enough Estonians in one area to keep our culture and language alive.
I guess I am somewhat bitter about the Orangemen and dwell on things that happened decades ago but I am just trying to point out one of the main reasons why other European languages including our own were supressed here in Canada. In fairness I could also criticize Brazil's Vargas regime that banned that country's Eesti Selts because they felt that all Brazilians who did not speak Portugese at home were traitors or the Soviet government which destroyed our most successful colony outside of Estonia, that of Crimea. I reccomend O. Laaman's book Mälestused Krimmist to anyone who is sceptical of the idea of Estonian settlements and guarantee that you will be amazed by just how successful they were.
I will try to find the Latvian website and post the address here. There is also a website called Haldjas that has lots of info on Estonian communities in Russia.

Peter24 Jan 2004 06:48
Here is the link for Haldjas. Still looking for the Latvian one
http://haldjas.folklore.ee/rl/... eema/asundus.htm

kass24 Jan 2004 07:37
Looks like PB is about as popular with some people as the little boy who cried "the emporor has no clothes!"
Its somewhat surprising that some of the ultra nationalists would bother to read the English language pages. This could be considered to be anti-Estonian in some circles!
Anyway, it seems that:
If you want to live in Estonian then move to Estonia.
If you want to die in Estonian then move to Estonia.
If you want your children to learn Estonian then spend the money and send them to school in Estonia for at least a year.With any luck they will come back speaking better Russian than English.
Anonymous24 Jan 2004 09:51

I think you and some of the others have missed the point about the postings. No-one is advocating neo-facistic language requirements ... far from it.

What I have problem with is the "fair weather" Estonians who only come to functions or teach their children when it is convenient for the parent.

C'mon it's not about convenience it's about commitment. e.g. there are a number of families from the KW area (two were one parent is NOT an Estonian) that commute 2 or 3 times a week to the Estonian house for the last 20 or 30 years regardless of the weather (for those who don't know who I refer to it's the Kalm, Hess, Kimsto and Käärid families) to me that's commitment.

For those who complain about "having to come in" please refrain from complaining to your child during the commute you just aid in turning off your child from our culture.

For that have a non-Estonian spouse, Please practice our language at home with your child EVERYDAY. Whenever my wife and I need to discuss something (especially expeditures and shopping) quickly we unfortunately revert to English, the funny part is our child will pipe in "Eesti keeles" we always chuckle.

What really causes both of us concern is when we hear an Estonian parent(especially when both parents are Estonian) speaking English with their children at Estonian functions. I'm sure some have heard some "prominent" society members of the Estonian community speak English when picking them up from Eesti kool (boy I'd love to name names). Why even bother attending? Give up your posts to someone who actually cares about the culture. Or are you holding the post for the notority?

And to the previous poster "kass", I wish to live right here but bring my child up in Estonian. I have spent the money to bring over an au pair from Estonia. My child belongs to Cubs and goes to Estonian school every time. He will attend BOTH Seedrioru and Jôekääru summer camps. He will go to skaut laager at Kotkajärve. We read both the English AND Estonian article in Eesti Elu, and in Vaba Eesti Sôna, yes we participate in Rahvatants and koorid. We ONLY speak ESTONIAN at home with our child and our nieces and nephews and godchildren. We travel to Estonia whenever or finances permit it. We financially support Estonian organizations now that's it's easier to get a tax receipt from Siht Kapital (yes we're cheap too). We cheer when Markko Märtin flies through the air during televised coverage of the WRC (World Rally Championship season started this weekend in Monte Carlo)

I was going end with I am Joe Esto-Canadian, but that seems out of place since I prefer to drink Sleeman's Clear instead of some heartier beer.
Peeter Bush24 Jan 2004 09:54
Nagu na"ha, minu eesti keel on vo~rdlemisi roostes. Ra"a"gin eesti keelt ainult kaks korda aastas sellest aejast kui ema suri. La"hen veebruaris aktusel siin ja kesk suvel Seedriorule, aga siis ka on kuulda rohkem Inglise keelt.

Olen elus kolm korda eestit ku"lastanud. Kui elu ja tervis siis la"hen 2005 aastal pere kokkutulekule. Arvan et isamaal kestab kindlasti eestlus omamoodi edasi.

Ei arva et mina kirjutasin et eestlus Kanadas lo~ppeb-ainult va"heneb ja muudab. Ku"llalt keel lo~peb, aga eestlus kestab edasi, eriti Torontos, aga va"iksemal viisil tu"kk aeg.

Thank you all for the comments. I really had not expected such a response. Many of you did quite a bit of soul searching, some responded quickly in anger, but in the end we all share a common bond-namely interest and indeed pride in our Estonian heritage.

Paremate soovidega
Best Wishes

Peeter Bush
Anonymous24 Jan 2004 15:25
Mister Bush,

Our society doe not need "observers" we need doers. Coming out to two functons/year (if your wife lets you from what I read) does not constitute pride in your heritage.

Your observations are obvious and reflections border on insulting. Perhaps you'd be better off writing your observations in the Latvian paper as that seems to be your family's preference. Why don't you write about your opinions about how Latvian choirs sound to you.

This is not written in rage or quickly but with pride in my heritage.

You seem to have nothing in common with those who have written "against" you as their pride in their heritage has nothing to do with "convenience" but actions and participation. Please don't bother us with your opinions, their out of date and insulting. Unfortunately you seem to have time to write which makes your articles hurt eve more.
Peeter Bush24 Jan 2004 16:15
You seem to forget I don't live around the GTA. Things out here are very different and I don't lightly drive 5 hours to get to Seedrioru.
Also, I really don't want to associate with people like you who like to shout abuse from the shadows but don't have the courage to identify themselves.
Your flaming speaks for itself and detracts from your message. Why not identify yourself?
Anonymous24 Jan 2004 17:43
PB, You "hide" behind your 5 hour drive and other issues of "convenience" and I'll hide behind my anonymity, heavens forbid if you got involved with the Estonian community in Ottawa. You've got the Estonian EMBASSY in your backyard what are your doing to help them with? Oh forgot you can't because it's probably not convenient for you. Instead of spending 10 hours driving to Seedrioru and getting grief from that Latvian wife, spend the time in Ottawa and help support BOTH the Latvian and Estonian embassies. Now that would be interesting reading, but please stick with factiual reporting.

I guess you're new to cyber-space 'cuz this ain't flamin' by no means.

FYI - I belong to and have been activity in the Estonian community since I was 6 years old (or the last 40 years). I never dropped out, mind you I've had reason to, but something has always brought me back.

IRW, Thanks for the compliments but, no I'm no Kalevipoeg. Unfortunately time and gravity has not been nice to certain parts of the body.

I'm not too sure at the wife comments? Are you taking a shot at my wife?
IRW24 Jan 2004 17:00
It's clear from your comments that you're definitely no fairweather Estonian. It also sounds like you give all you've got willingly, not just to please your wife (although I'm sure she is pleased, I mean how could she not be). It sure sounds like you're quite a guy no matter what kind of beer you drink. Say ... you're not Kalevipoeg by any chance are you?
Tarvo Toomes25 Jan 2004 10:04
Ma arvan, et me vôlgneme tänu hr. Peeter Bushile tema artikli eest, kuna see kutsus esile nii elava, mônikord asjatult terava, môttevahetuse kanada eesti ühiskonna tuleviku üle. Säärane môttevahetus aitab meil langetada paremaid otsuseid meie ühiskonna tuleviku suhtes. Lisan vaid eesti vanasôna:"Kus viga näed laita, seal tule ja aita"
Daniel Schaer28 Jan 2004 03:12
Raske oli mitte selle vestlusesse hüpata. Selleks lisan oma arvamuse. Nende inimestele kes arvavad et kultuur elab edasi ilma keeleta, nad on väga valesti aru saanud. Nagu Jõekäärul söögisaali seinal on kirjas "Kui kaob keel kaob rahvas". Ärge seda unustage. Kui minu vanemad ei oleks mulle eesti keele ära õpetanud ei elaks ja töötaks ma Eestis. Eriti mitte EV Välisministeeriumis. Minu vanemad andsid mulle selle võimaluse ise otsustada kas ma tahan selle kultuurist osa võtta sest nad tegid mulle keele selgeks. Nii et, ma vabandan aga need vanemad kes ei õpeta oma lastele eesti keelt on ikka ise süüdi. Laps ei sa ise otsustada mida ta teha tahab ja kui sa ei ole noorelt keelt õppinud siis on raske tagant järgi keelt õppida. Ma tahan edu soovida kõik Kanada-Eesti organisatsioonidele ja loodan et Eestlus säilib seal edasi. Elagu Eesti!
CP28 Jan 2004 07:08
Eesti kooli õpetaja28 Jan 2004 09:19

Oled IKKA tubli poiss!! (mitte et sa kunagi temppe ei teinud.....)

Vaadake, selliseid inimesi kasvatab meie Eesti ühiskond siin Kanadas!!!
Kommentaarid sellele artiklile on suletud.

Vaata veel ...

Lisa uus sündmus