Missing our onu Leo VIDEO
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lugeja16 Apr 2024 05:55
Uncle Leo was a forward, not a defenseman. I'm also pretty sure he doesn't speak Estonian, although he might know a word or two. He was born in Eesti (to Russian-speaking parents according to Wiki) but moved to Finland at the age of 5, I'd say he's about as Estonian as Ramen noodles.

As for the Leafs being foolish to let him go, these things are never black and white so not much point in debating it. I'll just say that opinions vary, he wasn't that good a player that he would have impacted our cup chances much either way, especially not this season as he played his last NHL game NHL in 2022.

I loved him while he was here though, as did most Leaf fans. He played with passion and grit, something our current group of cupcakes could use a lot more of.
The chagrined slimster16 Apr 2024 11:29
Thanks for the correction. A definite brain fart. Onu Leo plays like a defender, thus the senior moment. The article has been corrected. Apparently, onu Leo is able to have a brief polite conversation in esto, though like many here do, it is peppered with English….
lugeja to the Slimster17 Apr 2024 05:49
Huh, that's interesting. According to Wiki he only speaks 4 languages and Estonian isn't among them so I'm pleasantly surprised to hear that can speak Estonian as much as you say. If I happen to see him on the street, I'll be sure to say something nice to him, he was a big favorite of mine!
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: lugeja (05:55)
Õ16 Apr 2024 07:25
Jah, see on õige, Leo ei ole ennast ise kunagi eestlaseks tunnistanud. Ta peab ennast peamiselt soomlaseks, tema isa on Soome päritolu ja ta on ülesse kasvanud Soomes. Aga siiski mängijate tutvustamisel NHL's kuulutati ta iga kord välja kui 'Leo Komarov from Estonia', kuna tema sünnipaik on Narva.
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