Yet even more 60 Years in the wilderness
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
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IRW29 Jan 2004 05:54
If that's really the only reason then please feel free to take over, I have no desire for glory.

By the way it was not my idea, it was Peter's. I just said that I considered his idea to be a good one.
Anonymous29 Jan 2004 06:05
"CP! CP! CP!" (chanting). "You can do it! You can do it!" (the crowds go wild).
IRW29 Jan 2004 06:10
"Give me a C"
"Give me a P"
"What's that spell?"
"What's that spell?"

Yeah baby:-)
Eedu Apa29 Jan 2004 06:35
Anonymous, IRW Peeter and Peter:

All I every read from you is ideas and what someone (usually not yourselves) should do or organize. When you come up with an idea that someone agrees with and suggests that YOU should organize it you automatically turn it back on them say someone else should.

CP also agreed it was a good idea but I know he is more involved with the "here and now" of getting children involved with the Estonian culture (the summer camps, hundud, Eesti koolid) instead of the rewarding a child or two after what, 10 to 15 years of studying Estonian?

What incentive is that, unless of course you have a couple of children in mind to go right now?? (perhaps a little nepotism, eh what? nudge nudge wink wink???)

From your prior posts,

I have to ask what will be your level of participation? Financial (Peeter and Peter you always seem to have a way of spending SOMEONE ELSE's money how about some of your own)??

Sit back and criticize what is being done?

Time to put up or keep quiet IRW, Peeter and/or Peter.
Anonymous29 Jan 2004 07:04
First of all, what's with the nepotism, nudge nudge wink wink comment? What are you implying? If it's what I think you are then you're wrong and you're also very rude for assuming the worst WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. I will never understand idiots like you who assume the worst.

You say that I automatically turn back people's suggestions ... if you go back and read the comments again you might pick up on the fact it was actually CP who "turned back" the suggestion on me. I don't like to be to be what to do, I don't appreciate CP telling me that I "should" take the oppurtunity ... (please go back and read the whole sentence, I know CP hates to be taken out of context) and that's why I "turned it back" on CP. Sorry if you didn't detect the sarcasm.

You ask me my level of financial participation, you tell me to put up or shut up, you accuse me of criticizing what is being done? The only thing I've criticized is ums is critizism (and severe criticizm I might add) of Peeter's articles and the only thing I have criticized is people like you who jumped all over Peeter. And how do you know what my conrtibution is or was financially or otherwise? Maybe I should ask you Eedu details of what good you've ever done besides critisizing, give you a chance to do some chest pounding perhaps? I won't do that though, this is an open forum for discussion, not for people to sug
IRW29 Jan 2004 07:09
Oops, pressed the wrong button while I was editing I guess.

I just wanted to add that all you're doing Eedu is playing the blame game which is a total waste of time and I think that you are a complete idiot for suggesting that I put up or shut without having a clue as to who I am or what I have or haven't done for the community. You just might be surprised.
Unimpressed29 Jan 2004 07:40
I've been following the exchanges that's been going on but I think it has sunk to an inappropriate level.

IRW - What blame game are you referring to? I don't see anything that Eedu Apa has written could be misconstrued as placing blame.

Eedu Apa - Perhaps a bad attempt at humor that IRW seems to have missed (Monty Python reference). Nor do you have an understanding of IRW's desire to send someone to Eesti.

IRW and Eedu Apa - Nor do I see any reason to start questioning another's intellect just because they don't know anything about you (and you don't know anything about them). That's why it's called ANONYMOUS posting.

Now both of you stop posting and get back to work.
RDI29 Jan 2004 08:46
I don’t mind running with a good idea or plan of action that I’m behind 100%. I’ve done it before and I will do it again. Black Ribbon Day was brought up, which was started by Markus Hess and supported by a group of people, mainly EKN (which makes sense, it was a political event). My concern is that we don’t seem to have a central organization anymore (or maybe we never had one) that will look at a non-political, cultural idea and say to me: “Hey, that’s a good idea. You run with it and we’ll get a group of like-minded people together and we’ll work on this together.” Not every person with a good idea knows how to implement it, nor do they necessarily have the time to go it alone. In the case of sending kids to Estonian university/schools, I would like my central organization to suggest potential sponsors to contact, help find resources to cover reasonable expenses (such as long-distance calls to Estonia), to lend the organization’s name and support to the project, and give general advice.

No person should be expected to do anything on a large scale for a community by himself or herself, though there are some superheroes amongst us. I think that is why people don’t volunteer with such projects, we lack central leadership. You give me such an organization and I’ll step up to the plate of my choosing.
Peter30 Jan 2004 05:32
I am also not interested in seeking any glory, I have simply come up with some ideas in this forum as I see very few if any coming from the organizations who are supposed to be leading our community.
I wonder if there is anyone out there reading these comments who is in a position to actually do more that just talk? Like many of you out there, I have a successful career that takes up much of my time. I have done some volunteer work for our community but often don't even have the time to show up for Estonian events. This is one major problem for many of us and the reason so many drop out. Some rejoin our community only when they retire.
Are there any people from leadership positions in any of our arganizations out there? Do any of you know any such people? Do any of you have connections in the Estonian Government?
Our community has made many such plans in the past, I have read so many old Estonian newspapers that are full of such ideas that never got off the ground.

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