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A good article on mental health in the Globe and Mail: "Some young people in China are turning to AI champion DeepSeek for therapy".
Two key points:
“Its empathy is at a level that almost no one can achieve in reality,” she said. “In its eyes, I am an individual with a reason to exist, rather than an object to be judged.”
“In psychotherapy and counselling, it is very important to form a relationship between therapist and patient . . . . Knowledge and skill are relatively minor compared to emotional communication, recognition and interaction.”
Two key points:
“Its empathy is at a level that almost no one can achieve in reality,” she said. “In its eyes, I am an individual with a reason to exist, rather than an object to be judged.”
“In psychotherapy and counselling, it is very important to form a relationship between therapist and patient . . . . Knowledge and skill are relatively minor compared to emotional communication, recognition and interaction.”
for Peace, Order, and Good Government.
Samalt IP numbrilt on siin varem kommenteerinud: analyst (12:44)