Leader: A craven shield
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
IRW29 Mar 2004 04:28
Ma olen seda meelt et õige ajaleht trükib artikleid mis esindavad vaidluse mõlemat poolt, siis saab lugeja ise otsustada mis tema arvates õige on. Kahjuks saab Eesti Elu veergudel peaaegu eranditult lugeda ainult nende arvamusi kes tulihingeliselt toetavad USA välispoliitikat. Mõni võib isegi arvata et muid seisukohti ei olegi.

Kui copy-pasteiga allpool toodud veebi aadressi brauserisse panna võib soovi korral ka erinevat arvamust lugeda.

http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand /Columnists/Toronto/Eric_Margolis/2004/0 3/28/398787.html
Anonymous29 Mar 2004 06:33
Bush's biggest error was diverting the war on terrorism from Afganistan (where the terrorists were) to his own private agenda of Iraq (where there was little direct threat to the west (where are the weapons of mass distruction?). This monumentally stupid move has actually strengthened the terrorists (as can be seen in the rise in recent attacks around the world). In moving the effort away from the defeat of Al Quaida to an ill advised adventure (quagmire) in Iran, Bush has increased the terrorist threat and diverted much needed effor into a needless war. This will be his unfortunate legacy.
IRW29 Mar 2004 06:48
I agree completely. All that talk from the "Bushies" about how Iraq posed a clear and imminent threat to the US sounded like such a load of baloney at the time and it's now clear that a load of baloney is exactly what it was. Is there any doubt at all that the US govt. lied to the world? Does the US govt. have any credibility left at all?
Peter29 Mar 2004 06:59
The war in Iraq was a stupid move by the Bush administration and happened mainly because of the Israel lobby. Iraq was no threat to the USA but the Israelis were worried about their nuclear weapons program and were also very angry at Saddam since he funded the Palestinian guerillas.
I spoke to an East Indian guy a while ago who lived and worked in Kuwait at the time of the Gulf War. He was no fan of Saddam since he fled the area when the Iraqi army invaded but he said that Iraq was probably the best place to live in the entire Arab world. The people were highly educated and there were good job opportunities. Women had more rights there than in any other Middle Eastern country. And, Iraq had a large and powerful army. Saddam was no angel but human rights there were no worse than in other countries in that part of the world. Israel was concerned about the success of Iraq compared to other Arab countries and decided to destroy it, all at the expense of the Americans.

Peter_Peter30 Mar 2004 14:34
I can't believe Peter's comments! Do you seriously believe "some east Indian guy .." that Iraq was no worse than other Arab countries when it comes to human rights. Maybe he (Indian guy) or you Peter don't believe the mass graves in Iraq. Or are you saying they found an old and forgotten cemetery without markers ? Maybe killing the Kurds was not a human rights issue in your opinion ? Get a life Peter. I have found that most people that bash the USA are jealous . For some reason they would like to live in the states but can't . So if I can't live there I will tell everyone it is a bad place. Reminds me of kids that argue over toys . Very immature attitude.
Grinch30 Mar 2004 20:14
I'm sorry to tell you Peeter_Peeter, but this is not Never-Neverland. Mr. Bush has done some very bad things (actually the grown-up word is 'unethical') and someone should take his toys away. He has made the sandbox a very messy place for everyone.
Peter30 Mar 2004 21:05
Of course there are mass graves in Iraq. They attacked Iran and fought a long war with that country (when they were allies of the Americans) and they did crush the Kurdish rebellion with poison gas (with British help). Turkey has also fought against Kurdish freedom fighters and Egypt (America's #2 foreign aid recipient, after Israel) is one of the worst human rights abusers in the area.
Iraq was never a threat to the Western World and this war has diverted money and intelligence that could have been used to fight our true enemies who just launched another attack against our civilization in Spain.

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