Leader: Demagoguery, indeed
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Maxim.02 Aug 2004 08:36
That Ojuland "struck" back is a little of an overstatement.....Ahto Lobjakas has a far better suggestion in today's issue of E Päevaheht. Unfortunately though, Estonia has very little political experience, and precious little idea of how to protect herself in the face of blatant intrinsic lies spouted from the mouth of that aggressive animal, Russia. It's interesting to note that Siim Kallas has already dramatically changed his political point of view concerning Russia; he no longer sees her as a threat....and taxes must also be brought into line with EU regulations. So much for representing Estonian interests! Let's see what magic tricks Toomas Hendrik Ilves can perform...just maybe he is able to put the case for Estonia a little better than any of our other representatives currently residing in Brussels.
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