Of censorship
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
interneti poeg25 Oct 2004 06:52

egregious - Conspicuously bad or offensive. See Synonyms at flagrant.

You seem to write the most "egregrious" of them all. Some of your postings relate to information from years ago (out of date). Not to mention that the majority of your postings are "how you see it".

In one article you mentioned how a senior member of the community was complaining about the low number of "younger" generation participants at an aktus. This is not something new it has been going on for decades, roughly starting at the time when some people decided NOT to teach their children Estonian because they married someone from another background and now decades later regret their decisions because thses same children ARE interested in their heritage (hmmmm sound familiar).

Regarding the senior's comment you wrote about, why not take your own sage advice and ignore it? Nope you've got the "fan the flames"

As far as Diaspora is concerned, why not check with the Consulate in Ottawa as to what the "official" opinion is, or better yet why not check the the different levels of Eesti Kool in Toronto to see what sort of assitance is being offered by the Estonian Education Ministry. You'd be surprised as the level of interest they have for our community .... but then again that would mean you'd have to get involved .... better wait for someone else to do it for you so you comment on that too.
interneti poeg25 Oct 2004 07:45

Read some comments by another anonymous poster regarding your article on "Of more numbers" seems you are being questioned on "your numbers" ... is this another example of your "egregious" writing skills???
Maksim.25 Oct 2004 13:31
I'm not from Canada, but the comments about your writing don't exactly add up....someone (more than likely and old flame..) appears to be giving you a hard time....that's probably the price you pay for marrying a southern girl! I can't spot anything misleading in your pieces, and would call upon your critics to spell out (than have anonymity on their side after all) what it is that bothers them about Bush!
interneti poeg25 Oct 2004 15:23

Not only aren't you from Canada, but I can tell you haven't been following the writings of Hr. Busch either.

The reference to "wrong numbers" is from another thread

"Peep 24 Oct 2004 13:16
Teema: Wrong numbers

Peeter, you quote 3% deported. I don't know what research you have done but the web site, www.okupatsioon.ee , claims "kokku küüditati ja arreteerriti kahe Nõukogude okupatsiooni vältel umbes 100,000 inimest ". I would like to know how you get 3% ? Certainly the Estonian population wasn't 3 Million plus ! You also claim that half were deported in 1941. The same source claims about 10 % or 10,000 deported in 1941. I certainly believe the web site rather than your unsourced numbers. You seem to try to minimize the numbers for some unknown reason(s) . I also hold my elders in high esteem. They are a source of knowledge and experience ."

If you've been reading Hr. Busch's articles you'll come to understand he's a little free with his interpretations of the facts and timelines. He'll comment on the state of the Estonian society as if he is "active" in it. More like a fly on the wall. He's always ready to criticize yet never willing to volunteer. All he is good for is polarizing the Estonian community, it's like the 60's and 70's all over again .... but then Peeter is a child of the 60's ......

Oh and sorry to disappoint I don't have the correct chromesomes to be an old flame. Perhaps you should read all of Hr. Busch's articles and all the comments and then perhaps you'll understand my posting about his "egregious" writing skills. I think Tõnu et al is allowing Hr. Busch to write articles just to create "interest" ... .. that's what's really sad.
Maksim.26 Oct 2004 06:21
Bush's figures could be a little off the mark, but equally as flagrant abuse of facts is the persistency with which Estonian communities abroad have subtly suggested that Estonia bled to death following their retreat ahead of the Soviet invasion. Fact is that the Estonian population remained very intact once most folk managed to find their way back from Siberia. I grew up thinking that only the dregs of Estonian society was left to hold the fort...that is a gross miscarriage of truth if there ever was!
interneti poeg26 Oct 2004 06:44

Next you will want us to believe there was no "Russification" and that the growth in population was from the Estonian people?
Maksim.26 Oct 2004 08:29
There isn't enough space to go into the subject of Russification, and where in my comment can you point to the fact that I deny its existence? Fact remains that Estonians abroad have always thought of themselves as some sort of koorekiht, and only the poorest of poor got left behind...My point is that Estonia survived in spite of Russification, and in spite of the fact that obviously you too seem to agree with the notion that Estonia was nothing during its forced occupation, and only became something thanks to the so-called Välis-Eesti "consultancy brains" that have poured into Estonia from places like Canada, and flagrantly abused conditions of development here, lining their own pockets at someone else's expense. And you have the audacity to talk about Russification.......like we didn't know.
interneti poeg26 Oct 2004 09:01

Back to subject of the article .... censorship. I was only pointing out how "loose and free" Hr. Busch has been with his facts and figures. You pose an interesting issue that perhaps would be better served by posting on the foorum leht instead of here.

You were wrong about assuming my chromosomes and you are incorrect about what my thoughts about occupied Eesti was/is. Seems you have an issue with unforced capitalism but that too should be discussed on the foorum leht.

PS - a number of my relatives who stayed in Eesti have done exceptionally well.... but all required some assitance from the "West" in some form or another.

Also a large number of those "colsultants" you refer to were invited by your elected officials. Also another great foorum item.

My apologies for have gotten off track. My intent was only to show the inaccuracies of the author's posts.
Anonymous26 Oct 2004 22:11
Have you forgotten that the Soviets did more than just deport people to Siberia? Of those 100,00 estimated to have been arrested or just disappeared, many were tortured to death, excuted outright or sent to prision to die there (ie.Pats and Laidoner who died many years later but not in the Gulag). Accepting the 100,00 figure, If the commies only kiled or jailed half, it would get you up to 5% deported rather than 3%. Even if you somehow believe that almost nobody got killed or jailed, more than 90% were not deported.
Are you some kind of commie apologist that you forgot or overlooked the executions and jailings or did you just lose your temper and common sense in some personal vendetta?
Peep27 Oct 2004 10:21
Who is your commentary directed at ? I think you missed a 0 (zero).
Was it a typo or on purpose ?
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