Estonians ask: who’s a fascist? (II)
Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Interneti poeg19 Nov 2004 09:08
Clear, concise, factual. Great job!

Maksim is unavailable to comment as he's off to see the lastest conspriacy theory movie involving Free Masons ("National Treasure" ... from the producers of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and Walt Disney Pictures)
Anonymous19 Nov 2004 09:21
you're a crushing bore
Maxim.19 Nov 2004 10:14
Laas has basically re-vamped the old partisan arguments which are currently under severe scrutiny by organisations such as the Wiesenthal Centre. It is unfortunate that such an organisation is run by a very dour and undiplomatic individual as Efraim Zuroff, who doesn't even have to courtesy to work in conjunction with the Jewish Community in Estonia, preferring his own methods...bringing himself and his organisation into considerable disrepute. It will be difficult to solve this and other problems connected with "mälestuskivid", and a rethink of how we present our case is presently being worked out. At the moment I'm not going to let my feathers get ruffled over Interneti poeg's outlandish comments....I don't think he genuinely wants to contribute to the argument, and therefore I won't waste words with him.
tt19 Nov 2004 19:38
" Although Finland was a co belligerent with Germany" .... this needs a lot more work. Lumping the Finns with the Nazis is just not right.
Laas Levat22 Nov 2004 12:57
I agree. Co-belligerent is an unfortunate choice of words. On November 30, 1939 the Soviet Union, with 23 divisions, 2000 tanks and 460,000 men attacked Finland as a result of Moscow's collusion with Nazi Germany to divide up Eastern Europe between tem. Finland had rerfused to buckle to Stalin's demands to cede key parts of the country to the USSR. The attacked was unprovoked. It's aim - to occupy all of Finland. Four months later the Soviets had lost 400,000 against a Finnish force 1/3 the size of the aggressor's. But Finland had lost 1/10th of its territory. So, Finland fought the USSR twice during WW II: in the Winter War of 1939-40 with support from Sweden and in the Continuation War of 1941-44 with considerable support from Germnay. Several thousand Estonians also volunteered for the defence against the Red Army.
???22 Nov 2004 14:04
Is that you Laas .... the genuine Laas Leivat? If so, why can't you spell your name correctly?
Maxim.23 Nov 2004 05:44
I don't understand why on earth ?? writes such an empty-headed response. Haven't you EVER missed pushing a key on the pad? Or do you really see the world as being so small that everything HAS to be reduced to YOUR small way of seeing the globe. For heaven's the man out if you want to do something constructive...or has Laas really had it in for you personally that you must respond in such a vindictive tone???
iminene23 Nov 2004 06:21
I roll my eyes in disbelief how petty people can be!
... minu kaasmaalased!!!
Häbi, häbi!!
Anonymous23 Nov 2004 07:48

Keep up the excellent work and commentary. If you don't do it nobody else will. Joudu.
Anonymous23 Nov 2004 07:50

Keep up the good work. If you don't do it nobody else will. Joudu sulle!
lost in the numbers23 Nov 2004 09:18
In Nikita Khrustchov's memoirs, there is mention of a million Soviet soldiers lost in Finland during the winter war of 1939-40.
This differs radically from Laas Levat's figure. Can anyone explain the discrepancy?
Maksim.23 Nov 2004 13:33
There are also terrible discrepancies in Robert Conquest's statistics-can you explain that????????????
lost in the numbers23 Nov 2004 13:53

Any historians out there that can throw some light on this matter? Help us out if you can because Maksim has his knickers in a knot.
Maksim.24 Nov 2004 05:25
I don't have my knickers in a doesn't distraught me as much as you if a statistic is not right up there where you expect it to be...but if you've ever heard of Conquest....and it sounds as if you haven't.....then he is THE authority of statistics concerning loss of life through famine and repression in the USSR...and he still can't square off the numbers as you would wish for. Why the hell don't you just do the homework and come back with your so-called correct answers, and then we'll take it from there. Anything short of that is your own waste of time. Good night!!
to Maksim24 Nov 2004 07:56
Your comments (here and elsewhere) have an angry tone which put you into an unflattering light. I'm surprised that you can't see that and, if I were you, I'd ask a trusted friend about it. Without it, you would have more credability. I believe that your heart's in the right place and you are well-informed (but not omniscient) Yet, your style is your enemy.
Witness24 Nov 2004 14:25
No, you don't have your knickers in a knot. It's worse than that. You are in an incoherent rage.
Maksim.25 Nov 2004 06:30
Nice to know that you're so calm and collected out there....nothing shakes aren't troubled but stupid comments...only people who take the time and trouble to rebut stupid comments and take a stand for the defence of intellectual rigour as opposed to detail which does nothing to further an argument...but take the topic backwards....I just feel sorry that you prefer such shallowness to good argument and higher knowledge. I´m not attacking individuals per se...just the ridiculous nonsensical detail they pursue. But I suppose there are those of you that don't see that let's let shallowness prevail...only the subtly sarcastic are left alone to keep doing what their doing. Best on luck to all....I'm finished with your paper!!
Pehmemunnile25 Nov 2004 18:48
So, you wish (in your words) "to take a stand for intellectual rigour ... good argument and higher knowledge". Is that your perception of your childish spats with those who can't acknowledge your ineffable wisdom? You (lucky devil) left high-school before the teacher got to the boring and (in your view) inconsequential parts of English grammer. Now, you've "seen the light and moved to Estonia" to advance their intellectual life. (I'll bet that they'd like to deport you.) And your finished with us are you? BS. Tomorrow, you'll be here barking at us for our inability to appreciate your knowledge and intellectual majesty.
waiting26 Nov 2004 14:22
In your commentary, you advertise your intellectual rigour to advance arguments to higher knowledge....and that's where it ends.

Hey! It's time to belly up to the bar and strut your stuff!
the shadow24 Nov 2004 05:55
It really doesn't matter how many Russians the Finns killed. The important thing is that they had the balls to resist Stalin's demands and earned admiration around the world. They also prevented their country from being occupied by the evil Red Terror despite being sold out by Germany in the secret protocols.
I remember reading somewhere that the Finnish delegation train to Moscow was met at every station by a choir singing that grand Lutheran hynm "What a mighty fortress..."
What happened in Estonia, did the leadership just get cold feet?
History Grad24 Nov 2004 06:38
I believe that the Finns lost 22,000 during the Winter War. The Soviets lost some very large multiple of that. This is significant because it indicates a difference in military tactics employed by the warring sides and, in turn, how they value human life.
Peter25 Nov 2004 04:07
To those of you who read Estonian I would like to recommend 2 books written about the Finnish-Soviet War, both published by Orto. Tundmatu Sõdur and Kolla Peab Vastu.

Anonymous25 Nov 2004 05:09
From where can we get such such books?
tt25 Nov 2004 07:17
I personally prefer commentary from eesti poeg and maksim, as opposed to the 'smart alecks'.
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