Soviet pride, shame - Toronto Sun
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The time is right08 May 2005 07:37
Thank you, Eric Margolis! You have written often about Stalin and Soviet Russia. The Russian people must learn the truth about their past as "liberators".
liberationphobic08 May 2005 17:04
The more Russians are forced to hear the truth about their "liberation", the more chance we have of making the Russian common people aware that the Balts never invited Russians to occupy their countries, that Russian leaders invited themselves. If this awareness campaign strengthened by George Bush's recent comments is done properly, then it will take much longer before Russian leaders try to liberate us again.
Maxim.08 May 2005 11:56
Sure, Russia defeated the Nazis, but taken from a contemporary perspective, there is somewhat of an irony to this story - the most worrying being that today fully 30% of Russian people wish to drastically curb all limits on Jewish business and social and religious activities in Russian cities, and that Nazism as a political movement is gaining a very strong foothold in Russia. And Putin is doing sweet nothing about it...
to maxim08 May 2005 16:21
unfortunately the russian people do not have a culture of striving together .... this also gives putin flexibility for his future actions ..... at home and in his shrinking abroad .... but compromises will be made so the oil flows and the oligorchs collect
Tüdinud09 May 2005 14:44
Britain and the US did not "choose" to become Stalin's ally. That occured by default when Hitler launched a surprise attack on his erstwhile ally, Stalin.

Mr. Margolis, has anybody ever told you that you are full of %@!#$& If not, I'm telling you now.
To tüdinud09 May 2005 19:10
You are wrong! They had a choice. They could have waited until Hitler and Stalin had out their slugfest and then entered the frey, instead they jumped the gun and sealed their fate with a mass-murderer of gigantic proportions.
Peter10 May 2005 03:57
Eric Margolis is one of the most informed and interesting columnists that I have ever read. Few have the courage and intelligence to write as he does and for this he has been bashed by both commies and American imperialists in recent years.

Maxim.11 May 2005 04:21
Eric Margolis raises points for which most politically-correct popular tabloids would shoot their messengers. Let him speak his mind whilst he still has the freedom to do so-it may not last as long as you think (Orwellianism has well and truly made its home in North America.)
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