On the 2015 post-cruise survey, many people indicated that one of their most important goals was to meet others: either old acquaintances or new people with similar ethnic or common interests. All too often, they ended up connecting towards the end of the event.
The solution: Scheduling a series of "meet & greet" networking "huvirings" right at the start of KLENK-IEP. This will give everyone a chance to meet and mingle with others who have the same interests. For example everyone who: grew up in the British zone of Germany; grew up in Toronto;grew up in the NY area; belongs to a specific academic organization (korporatsioon); is interested in "rahvatants, yoga, music, theater, Estonian literature; or anything else that you might have in mind. We are looking for themes and ideas, so please let us know.
We would like to have a "host" for every group. There is no work involved in being a "host". The "host" only has to meet & greet the participants and help them mingle. Please let us know if you are interested in "hosting" a "huviring". There will also be an Academic Lunch, "Akadeemiline Lõuna", where all members of academic organizations, will have the opportunity to enjoy a luncheon in one of the ship's dining rooms. Fraternities and Sororities may also request a meeting time and space separately, in addition to the lunch.
Forward requests, suggestions and host names to: Anne Liis Keelmann, Networking/Huviringide Co-ordinator, AnneLiis@klenk-iep.com