Since Ontario’s Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) replaced Ontario’s Corporations Act in 2021, existing not-for-profit organizations needed to review and update their governing documents to comply with new changes. The members’ Special Meeting was held to discuss and vote on changes to our Letters Patent, and Constitution and Bylaws.
The Congregational Council presented suggested changes to the congregation’s governing documents and members had an opportunity to question, suggest amendments, and vote on said documents. The discussions were lively at times, and sometimes needed clarification from legal experts. Based on suggestions, the documents will be updated with changes and brought back to the membership.
A huge step forward was the resolution that enables a focus on the congregation’s active membership list. This eliminates the requirement to reach out to members for whom the church has no known addresses or contact information. The current list, which had never been legally updated, still contained the names of individuals that had been baptized, confirmed, or married ever since the congregation first came into existence. The church will now enjoy huge savings and achieve more representative quorums by eliminating the need to inform these members of upcoming meetings by placing paid notices in Estonian media and very expensive English-language newspapers.
Please ensure that your contact information is kept up-to-date with the church office.
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We had a well attended, engaging and uplifting First Advent Service on December 1st, followed by a delicious hot lunch at the Christmas Party afterwards. Tiiu Roiser led us in a few Christmas games and prizes were awarded. The Guild members under the direction of Aida Shelton were also thanked with gifts of chocolate. New members are invited to join the Guild on January 8th at noon. Volunteers are also welcome to join our Church Services Committee.Our services are available for viewing on our website, Facebook page and Youtube channel, so check often for updates. The Church newsletter is also available online.
On December 22nd, Bishop Ove Sander will be visiting with us for our Fourth Advent service and together with Rev. Ando Kass, intern Karl Paju will be ordained as a Deacon. Please join us in celebrating this milestone in Karl’s life. Fellowship and refreshments will follow. $15. Please register by Dec. 17th through the office.
December 24th Christmas Eve services – 12:00 noon English-language service with Deacon Karl Paju and organist Erik Kreem. 2:00 p.m. Estonian-language service with Rev. Ando Kass and Deacon Karl Paju. Organist Erik Kreem.
Blessings for Christmas and a Happy New Year! May we remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men.
St. Peter’s Congregational Council and employees.
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