A vision for the Future of St. Peter’s Church (4)
Eestlased Kanadas | 03 Jun 2022  | EWR
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The Friends of St. Peter’s believe that with a proper Management Plan and committed leadership, St. Peter’s can be a part of our lives and the lives of future generations for years to come. We believe that St. Peter’s facilities can once again become an accessible hub for both Estonian and local community activities in Toronto.

We are confident that the St. Peter’s community, once given an opportunity to assess all the issues, will show that it shares this vision of St. Peter’s future and will participate in it actively. We are heartened by the fact that over 676 people have to date signed our on-line petition to save the church. We encourage everyone who has not yet done so to show their support by signing the petition whether they belong to our church or not at: https://www.change.org/p/vote-...

Our Legacy – Pastor Oskar Puhm 1958
Pastor Puhm was proud of our accomplishments as a congregation. In 1958 he wrote:

“It is with gladness in our hearts, that here on foreign soil we have been able to establish our own congregation and church in our mother-tongue. Stretching toward the heavens, this building is not only a religious temple, but also a national building - where all which is familiar, holy and dear to us, we may teach and bequeath to our children."

"Rõõmustame südamest, et ka võõral pinnal oleme võinud rajada oma emakeelse kogudse ja kiriku. See taeva poole sirutav hoone pole mitte üksi usuline tempel, vaid ka rahvuslik koda - kus me tohime kõike, mis meile on omane, püha ja kallis, õpetada ja pärandada oma lastele."

Our Heritage –- Our Church

A Heritage Designation, which the Friends of St. Peter’s support, has been applied for our church. With its unique architecture, it was designed to be a manifestation of the indomitable courage and iron determination of our forebearers to resist the brutal despotism that drove them from their homes and is once again devastating the lives of millions in Eastern Europe. In our view, this is the time to protect rather than abandon our cultural icons, the symbols of faith and freedom.

We ask you to join us in that effort, to help convince the Heritage Planners that it should be designated. https://www.ipetitions.com/pet...

We need all members, past, and present, and all our friends and community members to support this designation, regardless of where you live now. Please support the Heritage Designation Application to ensure the future protection of this architectural and historic gem.

Who are the Friends of St. Peter’s?

We are a growing group of resolute individuals who care and believe in the future of our church. We are proud to be part of the effort to save St. Peter’s.

We are not exclusive to our church or the congregation membership. We welcome all like minded people to join with us in the project of ensuring the secure future of St. Peter’s. We acknowledge the support of 676 people, to date, who have signed the petition to save the church. We hope that some of you will take the next step to become a “Friend of St. Peter’s.”

You can find more details about us on our website www.friends-of-st-peters.com

Share with us Your Vision for St. Peter’s

We look to you to help us create the vision for our church which best fits our needs. Please share your vision for the church by e-mailing us at

Proposed so far by people interested in rejuvenating the church:
• Make the church a living and growing part of our community
• Honour the memory of our forebearers whose perseverance is our bedrock
• Celebrate the traditions and Christian values that define us
• Inspire worship, spiritual growth, and learning that is relevant to our times
• Make the church relevant to the surrounding neighbourhood
• Foster an open and welcoming church that serves the needs of all congregants by integrating and embracing the whole family
• Nurture a culture of inclusiveness with programming for people of all ages
• Seek opportunities to optimize the usage and income potential of church facilities
• Engage the resourcefulness, energy, and talents of community members to realize the goal of creating a sustainable community church that ensures its future viability
• Support the Heritage designation application to ensure the future protection of this architectural and historic gem

Let us begin the transformation process together. We will use your input to help define our vision and our objective. The action plan to achieve this comes next. Please support us by e-mailing us to help fulfill our vision. Volunteer to help, e-mail us at

Friends of St. Peter’s Church
Ilo-Katryn Maimets
Tiina Jenkins
Tiiu Roiser
Tommi Arget
Toomas Trei
Nick Chorowiec
Väino Einola

See also: https://www.eesti.ca/a-sacred-...

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Kommentaarid on kirjutatud EWR lugejate poolt. Nende sisu ei pruugi ühtida EWR toimetuse seisukohtadega.
Rob09 Jun 2022 19:40
If a group wants to revive and save St. Peter's why not give them that opportunity? What is the church board afraid of....that this group will SUCCEED?
ftc09 Jun 2022 09:56
When did you last attend St.
Peter's? When did you last make a significant donation? When did you last take communion? When did you last look at yourself in the mirror and say "I have sincerely done everything I can to ensure a bright future for our congregation and its sole purpose which is to serve the Lord!"? ... or are you preoccupied with merely saving the building?
M09 Jun 2022 08:02
Loomulikult on esimesele pagulaste põlvkonnale järgnenud teised. Mida edasi, seda vähem kasutatakse eesti keelt ja veedetakse aega eestlaste kogukonnas. See on loomulik protsess, mille on läbi käinud mitmed rahvusgrupid Kanadas, USA's ja mujal. Keegi ei proovigi tagasi tuua 1958 aastat, vastupidi, meil on vaja kaasa minna tänapäevase olukorraga. Aga peab ka mäletama kiriku ajalugu, on selge, et selleks on ära toodud see 1958 tsitaat.

Kõrvaltvaadates paistab, et Peetri kirik ei ole seda suutnud senini teha, ollakse kinni minevikus. Juhatusel ei paista olevat muud plaani kui kogu krempel maha müüa. 'Sõbrad' loodetavasti pakuvad sellele mahamüümise plaanile alternatiivi. Ma igatahes ootan huviga, mis see plaan on.

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