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Aeroflot's Tallinn-Moscow flights suspended again
03 May 2021 EWR Online
Aerofloti lennuk Tallinna lennujaamas. Foto: Andres Putting - pics/2021/05/58256_001_t.jpg
Aerofloti lennuk Tallinna lennujaamas. Foto: Andres Putting
The suspension of flights between Moscow and Tallinn by the Russian airline Aeroflot is a decision of the Russian administration, said Eero Pärgmäe, Commercial Director of Tallinn Airport, according to Estonian national broadcaster ERR.

"As far as we know, this is an administrative decision on the part of Russia, it was made by the Russian regulator," said Pärgmäe.

Aeroflot announced that flights between Moscow and Tallinn, which had only been resumed in April after a long yearlong suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic have been cancelled. The company managed to make only two flights, which took place on two consecutive Sundays.

"Aeroflot was able to make two flights on the Moscow-Tallinn route and these flights were interrupted unexpectedly - both for the airline and for us," admitted Pärgmäe. The representative of Tallinn Airport added that the decision came as a surprise to everyone. "We really can't say exactly, we have to ask Aeroflot ourselves," Pärgmäe added.

However, Pärgmäe acknowledged that since the pandemic situation is still uncertain in Europe and in the world as a whole, weekly changes in airlines' plans are quite common and Aeroflot's decision was not surprising for them.

When asked about the occupancy rate, Pärgmäe answered that the first flights to Moscow were not fully booked, but it would certainly have increased in the future. "As far as we know, the airline itself was very interested in resuming flights. The first flights were not very busy, but there are still people moving between Estonia and Russia, perhaps that there would have been enough demand and occupancy on these flights," he said.