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AFP Top US virus expert warns of 'serious problem' as cases surge
27 Jun 2020 EWR Online
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© JOSHUA ROBERTS Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, tells a White House briefing that the United States is facing a "serious problem" in some areas because of the coronavirus
America's top infectious diseases expert has warned the United States is facing a "serious problem" from a resurgent coronavirus as the illness puts the brakes on reopening two of the country's largest states.
Texas and Florida closed bars and reimposed other curbs on Friday as the number of infections in the US hit a single-day record with increases in 16 states, mostly in the south and west.

The contagion also continued its march through Latin America, where Brazil recorded another 1,140 deaths and Argentina toughened a lockdown in the capital Buenos Aires.

In Europe countries wrangled over plans to partially reopen the EU border, with officials fretting over the reliability of virus data from abroad, notably China, where COVID-19 first emerged late last year.
Anthony S. Fauci wearing a suit and tie: Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, tells a White House briefing that the United States is facing a "serious problem" in some areas because of the coronavirus © JOSHUA ROBERTS Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, tells a White House briefing that the United States is facing a "serious problem" in some areas because of the coronavirus

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Much of the Western world is pressing ahead with lifting restrictions on daily life despite warnings from health officials that haste could cost more lives.

"We are facing a serious problem in certain areas," leading US immunologist Anthony Fauci said at the first briefing in two months by the White House's Coronavirus Task Force.

"The only way we're going to end it is by ending it together," he said of the outbreak.

The US is recording more than 30,000 cases daily. With nearly 125,000 lives lost, it has by far the highest confirmed death toll in the world.

Texas had been among the most aggressive states in easing curbs but its strategy has backfired with the nation's second most populous state seeing several daily records in the number of new infections. .....

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