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AK - The skiing diplomat
25 Feb 2005 EL (Estonian Life)
Argo Küünemäe, the charge d’affaires at the Estonian Embassy in Ottawa, is making a good name for himself in the diplomatic community. Working to ensure Estonia’s interests in Canada are looked after is his job number one, second he is providing assistance to the expatriate community in a number of different ways, and finally, lately for his cross-country skiing exploits.

The following is an excerpt from the Ottawa Citizen’s “Diplomats” column of February 17th, that ran under the title of “Ski Fiesta”:

“More than 100 skiers turned out for the EU-Canada Cross Country Ski Fiesta at Camp Fortune last weekend, including participants from various missions, the federal government and Carleton University's European Studies Centre.

“Foreign Affairs' Peter Fawcett was once again the fastest man on skis, while Sari Sarkijarvi, of the Finnish Embassy, took fastest woman honours. Fastest child was Simone Martini from the Embassy of Italy.

“The winning team (man, woman and child from one mission/institution) was Vibeke Grud, Fred Kingston and nine-year old Richard Kingston, from the Delegation of the European Commission. Argo Küünemäe, charge d'affaires for Estonia, was named "fastest head of mission."

We congratulate Argo Küünemäe for his success on the ski circuit and extend appreciation for his diplomatic work.