AKEN BASAAR #22 on May 5
Teadaanded | 13 Apr 2012  | A.K.E.N.Eesti Elu
Not only is it all up to YOU, but is also all for YOU!
For only if YOU donate articles for the up-coming AKEN Basaar #22 on May 5, 2012, 8 a.m to 1 p.m. will there be a repeat of last year’s success in supporting programs for Estonian children and youth in both Estonia and Canada....

And the money keeps rolling in… Silvi Matsoo, Helle Arro, Aivo Veel and Marje Laansoo were the dedicated people who counted every nickel and dime, every dollar and cent that was raised through the AKEN Basaar held last year at St. Andrew’s Church. There will be a repeat performance! Photo: M. Matsoo

Spring is the perfect time to make your life clutter-free, so sort through your belongings, pare down and donate extraneous articles to the AKEN Basaar. Here is how YOU can do this: on Wednesday May 2, or Thursday May 3, from 1-8 p.m. drop off donations directly to St. Andrew’s Church, corner of Jarvis and Carlton. And to make your task even easier, here is a list of suitable donations:
• kitchen and household items, lamps etc.
• glass, porcelain, crystal, pottery
• collectables, vintage, home decor items
• jewellery, watches
• accessories eg. hats, scarves, ties, gloves, purses etc.
• brand new and designer items eg. clothing, footwear etc.
• art, musical instruments, DVDs and CDs
• personal care items
• fabric, notions, yarn etc.
• gardening and cook books
• Estonian artifacts
• baked goods for the café
For more information you may contact Maaja Matsoo: 416-691-0719maaja@rogers.com, Helle Arro: 416-449-4209 hellearro@rogers.com or Anne Meema (Hamilton. Burlington) 905-335-4773annemeema@hotmail.com

And now for the added bonus - YOU can also find great buys at prices you will not be able to resist - make sure you turn up at St. Andrew’s Church on May 5th to restock your now dwindling inventory and to also take advantage of the outstanding bake sale and café.
