An AIDs-Free Generation
26 Jan 2012 EWR Online
U.S. Embassy, Tallinn January 26, 2012
Of the many challenges the world faces, none unite us more than our common desire to eradicate the scourge of diseases that prey on us, depriving us of our health and our loved ones while depriving nations of their most valuable treasure: their citizens.
The President of the United States has made it clear that our nation is taking one menace head on—we can and will achieve an AIDS-Free Generation.
This will require international effort and dedication by all of our partners, including Estonia, a nation which has made large strides in its own efforts against this disease.
Both President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton have made it clear that to be successful, governments, civil society, and the private sector must all work together. Scientific breakthroughs in preventing and managing HIV/AIDS have brought our goal into reach. We have, and will continue to, dedicate our full resources to this fight. Since 2002, the United States Government has contributed more than $5.8 billion to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.