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Another Esto Pub Night (EPN) somewhere in the South…..
08 Mar 2012 Meie Kodu
Is there a Välis-eestlane anywhere in the world that has not heard about the extremes of weather conditions in that small Northern European country so dear to us all. Minus 25 and more, what has been happening? Those travelling to Australia or locally referred to as ‘Värsked Eestlased’ are certainly enjoying more moderate conditions. Those of us here in Australia have been blissfully unaware, we have been enjoying our beach-houses, our summer camps and spending time next to our BBQ’s, pools and long summer breaks. Our extremes are less severe, but we here in South Australia have had the Southern Hemisphere sun and the EPN to keep us comfortable.

Well with the summer still in full swing another institution has slowly re-emerged. The Adelaide Estonians are generally regarded as mild mannered and unassuming. The event that has been talked about ‘very quietly’ in the last month or so, took place at ‘Kalev on Jeffcott’ in early February here in North Adelaide. EPN now has a following that was even spoken about on the local ABC radio, despite our efforts to keep it a very low key and a quiet event.

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Adelaide Eesti Selts president Lea Rebane introducing the Ukuleles. - pics/2012/03/35505_002_t.jpg
Adelaide Eesti Selts president Lea Rebane introducing the Ukuleles.