Are the Ontario Liberals too cozy with the Red Chinese?
Archived Articles | 17 Aug 2007  | Adu RaudkiviEWR
A recent issue of The Epoch Times (a Falun Gong weekly publication, this edition printed in Toronto) published a revelation. One of the organizations that received $275,000 from the Honourable Mike Colle's Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, — the Chinese Professional Association of Canada (CPAC), part of the 32 million dollars in grants, (also known as the "slush fund"), that managed to be responsible for Colle's de-ministration, — is in cahoots with the Chinese Communist Government and the Ontario Liberal Party.

The CPAC is one of the many recipients of Colle's largesse that is being investigated by Ontario Auditor-General James McCarter mainly that a majority of its executives (12 of 15) were involved prominently in a fundraiser, the "Mid Autumn Festival Dinner" on October 19, 2006 for Colle. Six weeks later CPAC received $25,000 from Colle's ministry to study immigration. At year's end, of course, CPAC received another $250,000.

Rick Byun, Senior Communication Advisor to Colle denied any connection between involvement in the fundraiser and receiving the $275,000.

Another matter of interest to the Auditor-General should be that during the dinner, board member of CPAC Michael Huang was also an intern in Colle's office, but refused to say whether or not he was an organizer of the fundraiser. Huang became a policy advisor for Colle's office in March of 2007.

In 2004 Huang was with the Chinese Communist Consulate group that opposed the recognition of "Falun Dafa Day" at Toronto City Hall.

Huang organized a farewell dinner for outgoing Chinese (Communist) Consul General Chen Xiaoling in December 2006.

Former CPAC President Thomas Qu spoke at an event in 1999, condemning Taiwanese independence and praising the official Chinese Communist Foreign Affairs website.

Qu was one of 28 overseas members invited the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Beijing, supposedly an honour.

CPAC is a member of National Congress of Chinese Canadians an umbrella group declared a front for the Chinese Communist government according to former Chinese (Communist) diplomat Chen Yonglin.

So, if the Chinese system is so great, what are they doing here?

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