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Eestlased Eestis
Rohkem ...
Rohkem ...
Neil külmadel talvepäevadel saab teatud soojusega mõtelda Toronto eestlaskonna hiilgeaastatele, eriti neile, mil vabariigi aastapäeva märgiti ...
Vaba Mõtte Klubi 17.02.2015 TTV VIDEO
Kui eelolevatel E V valimiste tulemusel poliitililises elus muutusi ei tule, siis on loota järgneva nelja aasta jooksul 100 000 Eestist laia ...
Narva is a NATO border town and it will remain so
Marko Mihkelson February 16, 2015
These days 70 years passed from the event that laid the foundation for the world order after the World War II. At ...
Moscow Would Use a ‘Conventional’ War against Lithuania, Vilnius Analysts Say
Most analysts have become so focused on Vladimir Putin’s use of “hybrid war” that they do not take into consideration that he could choose to ...
Another Defeat for Putin’s ‘Russian World’ – Very Few Russians in Estonia Want to Leave
Staunton, February 6 – Over the last two year period for which statistics are available, only 37 ethnic Russians moved from Estonia to the Russian ...
If US Doesn’t Arm Ukraine, Putin Will Move Against Baltic Countries, Polish Writer Says
Staunton, February 16 – If President Obama follows German Chancellor Merkel and doesn’t arm Ukraine, the US president will not only “be playing ...
Õpetlikke demagoogiavõtteid
Manipulatsioon on fakte suvaliselt kasutades teiste soovitud suunas mõjutamine. Manipuleerimine võib olla hästi varjatud, mida ...
Vali mind! Vali mind!
Sirje Kiin
Vali mind, vali mind, sest mina olen kõige ilusam ja targem, mina tean kõige paremini, mida sulle vaja on. See mina-mina egofestival, ...
Eestist saaks Norra, kui valitsus ei põlgaks ära 800 miljardit eurot Lähimineviku arvamus
06. mai 2014 Kadri Paas
Eestist saaks Norra, kui valitsus ei põlgaks ära 800 miljardit eurot
Norra ettevõtte Yara Siilinjärvi ...
There are Alternatives to Putin and Not All of Them are in the Kremlin, Satarov Says
Staunton, February 4 – In any political system, there is always “an alternative” to the current leader, Georgy Satarov says, and consequently, ...
Äärmiselt valikuline ja tendentslik lähenemisviis
Mart Niklus
Äärmiselt valikuline ja tendentslik lähenemisviis 2. veebruari 1920 Tartu rahulepingule võtab postsovetlikus Eestis üha rohkem ...
Memories of elections during the Soviet occupation Estonian Life
Laas Leivat
„The day I turned 18 was the first day I voted in Soviet elections. It was a beautiful day and I spent most of it at he beach. At six ...
Lapseearõõmudest Eesti Elu
Duncairni park eksisteerib, kuna piirkonna arendamisel pidi arvestama ojaga, mis voolas Doni jõkke. Haljasala on osa parkide ...
Pro-Moscow Groups Launch Websites for ‘Peoples Republics’ in Latvia and Lithuania
Staunton, January 30 – Pro-Moscow groups have launched websites for a so-called Latgale Peoples Republic in southeastern Latvia and a so-called ...
Corruption in focus for Baltic investigative group
Fredrik Nejman, Scoop
They have uncovered corruption, crime and social injustices in the Baltics. With help from donations, readers and a strong ...
2015.01.27 Mõtleme taas TTV
Koolitulistamine – keegi ei ole isegi vaevunud küsima, mis on selleni viinud. Teise teemana räägime omandireformiga tekitatud ülekohtust. ...
Grad as the Russian Weapon of Terror
Maksym Bugriy RKK/ICDS, 27 January 2015
A devastating shelling of the outskirts of Mariupol from separatist-controlled territory that led to mass ...
2015.01.20 Vaba Mõtte Klubi Tallinna T V
2015.01.20 Vaba Mõtte Klubi
Vaba Mõtte Klubi analüüsib seekord kultuuride ja religioonide konflikti Pariisi sündmuste järel. Peeter Ernits ...
Unlike for Stalin, ‘No One Will Die for Putin,’ Sytin Says
Aleksandr Sytin, an historian who quit the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies because of its imperialist and anti-Western views, says that ...
Mida toob aasta 2015 Eestile ja maailmale?
Marko Mihkelson
Mida aasta edasi, seda keerulisemaks muutub maailmasündmuste dünaamika analüüsimine. Korraga on koosmõjus liiga palju tegureid, ...
A house divided
To be blunt, the EM2 project, or the proposal to construct a new Estonian House in Toronto, has, if not polarized users of the facility, then ...
Baltic Leaders Unwilling to Work with Russia Must and Will Give Way to Those Who Are, Panteleyev Says
Following the “tectonic” shifts in the world that Russia’s moves in Ukraine began, the leaders of the Baltic countries must recognize “the ...
Integrating Estonia’s Russian-Speaking Population: Findings of National Defense Opinion Surveys
Juhan Kivirähk RKK/ICDS
Over the last 14 years, Estonia has accumulated a wealth of knowledge about security perceptions and attitudes towards ...
Putin’s Mental Map is Pre-1914 Europe, Oleshchuk Says
Staunton, January 21 – Every leader carries around in his or her head a mental map of the world, one that is the basis for action regardless of ...
alone together
I SHOULD JOT down a few notes here about being back in Estonia and the funny little things I notice now and then. I have long since moved beyond the ...
A shift in values takes time
The role of innovation in the transformation of political culture in Estonia
Toomas Hendrik Ilves, the President of Estonia, talks to Visegrad ...
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