Eestlased Kanadas
Eestlased Austraalias
Eestlased Rootsis
Eestlased Inglismaal
Eestlased Saksamaal
Eestlased USAs
Eestlased Venemaal
Eestlased Soomes
Eestlased Ukrainas
Eestlased Eestis
Rohkem ...
Rohkem ...
Who governs the online world?
Benjamin Fox, EUObserver, 26.12.2014
BRUSSELS - The Internet feels like it has always been with us and it is easy to forget just how recently it ...
‘We Stopped Hitler and We Can Stop the Americans,’ Aide to Patriarch Kirill Says
Vsevolod Chaplin, a close aide to Moscow Patriarch Kirill, says that Russians “stopped Hitler’s project we will stop the American one” now, an ...
Marxism Is Still Alive
Nikolaas de Jong , Brussels Journal, 2014-12-24
Looking at the world today, it would seem that Samuel Huntington's thesis of a coming clash of ...
In Karelia, Finlandization in Reverse?
The procuracy in Karelia has refused to find a website which has denounced the Russian occupation of that land and called for a referendum on its ...
Ethnic Russians in Baltic Countries ‘Love Russia but Don’t Consider It Their Home,’ New Study Finds
Ethnic Russians living in Latvia and Lithuania “view themselves as a community and respect Russian culture but consider their native home to be the ...
Crisis Driving Russians to Seek Solace in the Church and to Recall Nevsky’s Choice
The old saying that “there are no atheists in the foxholes” has a modern counterpart: there are many who turn to the church when times are hard.
The year the culture wars went global
Turning geopolitics into a battlefield over values is a really bad idea.
Frank Furedi, spiked 23 December 2014
A century after the outbreak of the ...
Russia growls across the border as Lithuania readies for euro
BAFL December 21, 2014
Geopolitics plague Lithuanians at this frozen Russian border post, where a return trip by car can mean 48 hours of queuing.
The Kremlin’s Alleged Man in Tallinn
Martin Hurt, RKK/ICDS, 16 December 2014
On Sunday, 14 December, Interfax ran a claim from Russia’s federal security service FSB that an Estonian ...
Minority report: the plight of Estonia’s ethnic Swedes
Estonia’s Swedes survived revolution, invasion and exile. Their struggles tell the story of 20th-century Europe.
Spy exchange and possible mole in secret services all in one story Eesti Elu
Laas Leivat
The question remains unanswered: How did the Russian FSB team who abducted Eston Kohver, an Estonian intelligence officer, know where ...
Rahva hääl Eestlane välismaal, kui oled Roomas, siis käitu nagu roomlane!
19. detsember 2014
Toimetas: Ragnar Teeveer
Meeleavaldajad Colosseumi juures
Foto: Stefano Rellandini, REUTERS
Viimasel ajal on meediasse kerkinud ...
2014 a ‘Turning Point for Russia’ Because of Putin’s KGB Psychology, Eidman Says
2014 has been a real “turning point” in Russian history, one comparable to 1929 and marked by “the beginning of a confrontation of Russia with ...
Ilmataat tänavu nr. üks Eesti Elu
Siin mandril on kombeks aasta lõppedes heita pilk lähiminevikku ja siis välja kuulutada aasta sportlane, aasta kultuuriinimene või aasta olulisim ...
Sixteen Years Behind Bars in Russia
A young woman learns ‘there is only one law in prison: everyone does as they want.’ From MediaZona.
In 1999, 20-year-old Tatyana Gavrilova was ...
‘Putin in the End Isn’t Prepared to Die for Narva,’ Piontkovsky Says
Two decades ago, two communist empires fell apart, the Yugoslav violently and the Russian peacefully. In both cases, almost the entire political ...
Six Bitter Russian Jokes about Russia’s Economic Collapse
Every political joke is a small revolution, Soviet dissidents often said, and consequently, the anecdotes Russians tell one another about the ...
Vaikne stagnatsioon ja teematapp
Andres Herkel 2014-12-16
Riigikogule edastatud kollektiivse pöördumise (3940 allkirja) käsitlemisest
Kunagi ma kirjutan ehk memuaare.
Separatism in Karelia More Serious than Many Think, Petrozavodsk Deputy Says
Karelian nationalists who call for the independence of their republic and raise “unnecessary and harmful questions about additional state ...
Bird Droppings from Estonia: Ending 2014 on a positive note
I’m back in Tartu after a two-and-a-half day, 2,500 km long road journey in my Estonian friends’ van.
Keynote Address at August 20th Club Meeting by Ambassador Jeffrey D. Levine
Thank you for inviting me to speak today about the U.S. Estonian relationship. I am honored to be with such a distinguished group of Estonian ...
Bird Droppings from Estonia: October and Back in the UK
My dismantled London home (in a van driven by trusted Estonian friends) should by now be rattling through the Baltic States heading for Tartu.
Donetsk Snapshot: The Frightening Rise Of Denunciations
RFE/RL December 13, 2014
The website of the pro-Kyiv authorities in the eastern city of Donetsk features the photographs of dozens of local residents ...
Russia Takes Breathing Pause From Military Hostilities in Ukraine
Vladimir Socor
Russia seems about to suspend the military phase of its multi-dimensional assault on Ukraine. The Kremlin’s “Novorossiya” ...
Bird Droppings from Estonia: September’s history tour
I caught the last of summer this month at Viru Folk Festival in Käsmu where the sun shone on three days of song and poetry. This year’s theme was ...
Will Russia Follow the USSR into the Dustbin of History -- and for the Same Reasons?
Four Russian analysts suggest that the six causes they identify as being behind the collapse of the USSR are again to varying degrees present in ...
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