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Sihikul TV3 saade Kolmeraudne
TV3 Kolmeraudne siit:
Ühiskonna peamine kriis seisneb terve mõistuse puudumises.
Ühiskondliku kriisi allikaks on terve mõistuse asendamine eneseteadvusega
Ühiskonna peamine kriis seisneb terve mõistuse puudumises.
Einar ...
Tarto: Eestit päästis Punaarmee lausterrorist liiduvabariigi staatus SI-40
Vabadusvõitleja Jüri Kukk suri 27. märtsil 1981. aastal Vologda tapivanglas. Sügav kaastunne tema perele ning kõikidele leinajatele.
25. ...
Küüditatud lapsed
Neil päevil meenutame 1949. a märtsiküüditamist, mis on jätnud traagilise jälje Eesti ajalukku.
Täiskasvanute ja laste maailmapilt ...
Muudatused Kanada immigratsioonipoliitikas
Kanada on immigrantide silmis ihaldusväärne maa, kuhu saabub igal aastal uustulnukaid per capita rohkem kui teistesse riikidesse. Vahtralehemaa ...
Kanada päevikust. Alberta rindelt Eesti bussideni
Lõin esimesel ametlikul kevadepäeval lahti Toronto Stari ja lugesin muigega artiklit, koos uhke fotoga sellest, kuidas Alberta Wildrose poliitilise ...
Hiina majandus Mao Zedongi võimu ajal
Kui Mao Zedong tuli Hiinas 1950. aastal võimule, tehti suuri pingutusi, et majanduskasvu suurendada, mille käigus loodi uusi tööstusharusid. ...
Cold war tools to be discarded to boost US-Russia trade relations
RIA Novosti, Pravda, The Moscow Times (not seen as pro-Putin) and other Russian news outlets are all supportive of the possible US Congressional ...
Moon not to blame for Titanic sinking
An article about the moon being to blame in sinking of Titanic, which appeared in both the Vancouver Sun and the Toronto Star on March 7th, was in ...
Replace Jackson-Vanik With the Magnitsky Act
Vladimir Ryzhkov, The Moscow Times
A number of opposition leaders — including myself, Boris Nemtsov, Alexei Navalny and others — recently made an ...
More baggage – the kringel
This year’s trip to the Toronto Sportsmen’s Show is now another memory and it’s back to humdrum of routine retired life.
While I was in ...
Unbearable weightlessness
Kerli Kõiv is no cultural ambassador
Apologies to Milan Kundera for borrowing from the title from his literary masterpiece, which explores ...
Pro-Kremlin Think Tank Sees End of the Road for Putin
Vladimir Kara-Murza, 21 March 2012
The Center for Strategic Research (CSR) is no friend to Russia’s opposition. Founded by Vladimir Putin’s ...
Vaba mõtte klubi Tallinna Televisioon 20.03.12
Vaba mõtte klubi TTV saade siit:
Spring? Stalin can’t be far behind
Today was one of those days that I wished Priit Aruvald was still with us. He was the long-serving and active General Secretary of EKN, the Estonian ...
Not Kingly, Not Manly
“So what is it you do?” I asked one of the men sitting across from me at a dinner party. But it was clearly the wrong question.
“I’m an ...
An unbeatable insight into the minds that control Russia
Foreigners seeking to explain the paranoia of Kremlin's elite need only look to the country's state-sponsored television.
Edward Lucas, ...
A Comeback For The Gray Cardinal?
Brian Whitmore, The Power Vertical, RFE/RL, March 16, 2012
Since falling out with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin last year and getting pushed out of ...
It happened on
Baggage, made in Estonia
A funny thing about us older guys. We no longer meet at bars, or for that matter aktused. Our offspring are way too old to ...
Faceless but Powerful
Why do Eastern politicians so often hide in the off-the-record world?
Katerina Safarikova, Transitions Online
From reading the Eastern European ...
Selle maa keel võõrsil
14. märtsil peeti Eestis taas riikliku tähtpäevana emakeelepäeva. Kas siis selle maa keel / laulutuules ei või / taevani tõustes üles / ...
Panem et circenses
Kõht täis ja lõbu laialt. Rooma valitsejad teadsid, mis rahvale meeldib ja kuidas võimul püsida. Rahvale oli selge, et see, mis Coliseumis ...
June 14th or March 25th. Which should we commemorate?
Recently someone questioned why we now are placing so much emphasis on commemorating the 1949 deportations of March 25th. We traditionally have ...
Deportations, a centuries-old terror mechanism used both by the Russian and Soviet governments
Deportations, whether perpetrated by Russians or Soviets have been in their arsenal of rule by terror for centuries. They have always represented an ...
Ehatare and Rob Ford
(N.B. Any opinion expressed in a letter to the editor is solely that of the letter’s author. The accuracy of information is also solely the ...
With ‘Election’ Over, Putin Faces a Changed Country
Vladimir Kara-Murza, 13 March 2012
The three-month “Moscow Spring”—a series of large, pro-democracy protests, from the first opposition ...
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