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Eestlased Venemaal
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Eestlased Eestis
Rohkem ...
Rohkem ...
Romney's rhetoric won't be matched by reality
Michael Knigge, Deutsche Welle
Mitt Romney, the prohibitive favorite to win his party’s nomination, hasn't minced words on world affairs. But ...
Venemaa ärkav keskklass
Marko Mihkelson
Kaasaegsest Venemaast rääkides on sageli hoolimatult või üleolevalt ühmatud, et sealsed elanikud ei tea ega tahagi teada oma ...
shakespeare and company
Even typing those three words gives one an idea of how far Estonia is from the heart of Europe, the Europe that we all know and love, from films and ...
Poking with the human rights stick
Moscow loses patience
Oliver Bullough, Open
Critical human rights reports from Western agencies have long been the source of ...
How atheism became a religion in all but name
It was only a matter of time before someone proposed an ‘atheist temple’, given the religious-like zealotry and dogma of the New Atheists.
„Neurootilisuse paradoks“ e kui palju neurootilisust on vajalik ?
Allar Oja
Tartu Ülikooli infotehnoloogia magister, Tartu Ülikooli ettevõtlus- ja tehnoloogiajuhtimise magister, Tartu Ülikooli ärijuhtimise ...
Videokohtumine Allar Oja
Allar Oja -Tartu Ülikooli infotehnoloogia magister, Tartu Ülikooli ettevõtlus- ja tehnoloogiajuhtimise magister, Tartu Ülikooli ärijuhtimise ...
Russia: In Search of a ‘Transitional’ President
Vladimir Kara-Murza
The upcoming presidential election places Russia’s growing protest movement in a paradoxical position. On the one hand, ...
Bird Droppings from Estonia: Küünlapäeval
The 2nd of February, mid-winter, is now best known in Estonia as Tartu Rahulepingu Aastapäev, the Tartu Peace Day, the anniversary of the 1920 ...
Tartu rahu – sama mündi kaks külge
Pole tähtsamat daatumit Eesti Vabariigi ajaloos kui 2. veebruar 1920. Sel päeval sõlmiti Tartus Eesti Vabariigi ja Nõukogude Venemaa vahel ...
Kapitalism ja Euroopa Liit ristteel
Läinud nädalal toimus Shveitsi mägikuurordis Davosis 42. Maailma Majandusfoorum, kus keskse küsimusena arutati kapitalismi parandamise võimalusi ...
Is Russian hostility towards the Baltic states on decline?
In an interview with the Baltic News Service, Valeri Fjodorov, the director of the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Centre (VtsIOM), stated that ...
The Rise Of The Orthos
Svein Sellanraa , Notes from Norway, 2012-01-31
Most thinking conservatives believe that the modern West has gone off the deep end, and most of ...
Sotsid kehtestavad Eesti ajaloole moratooriumi?
Marko Mihkelson
Sotsiaaldemokraatidega ühinemisotsuse teinud Vene Erakond Eestis juhid Stanislav Tšerepanov ja Gennadi Afanasjev kinnitasid täna ...
Vahel võivad meid õnnelikuks teha väikesed asjad. Isegi mõne uue asja katsetamine võib tasuvaks osutuda. Olen umbes viiskümmend aastat iga ...
British Spy Story Tailor-Made for an Election Year
Victor Davidoff, The Moscow Times, 29 January 2012
In 2006, an exposé about British "spy stones" in a film by pro-Kremlin television ...
American Chamber of Commerce Threatens Estonia’s Open Internet
This is a guest post from Otto de Voogd, digital freedom fighter, a member of the non-profit Estonian Internet Community and a ...
Andrus Peegel Draakoniaasta!
Kas ja miks on Eestis hea elada?
Eesti Päevalehe arvamustoimetaja Priit Simson nendib irooniliselt, et Eestis on kätte jõudnud enesekiitmise ajastu, kus optimism hakkab pisitasa ...
Dubleerimiskultuur ja dialoog
Kuulsin raadiost uudist selle kohta, kuidas eesti epeevehklejatel maailmakarikaetapil läks ja märkasin end leidmas paralleeli hariduse ja teaduse ...
Quo vadis EKN?
On Saturday, January 28th, the Estonian Central Council in Canada will hold it’s first all-member session after its general elections in the fall ...
New Protests Mount in Russia as Kremlin Moves to Fix Vote
Vladimir Kara-Murza
As Russia’s March 4th presidential vote approaches, Vladimir Putin is beginning to realize that, for the first time in 12 ...
The Global Bankers' FDR: Conferences (part 5 of 5)
Toomas Trei, Activist Post
In 1941, U.S. and British officials (Hopkins, Hull, Eden, Churchill, Roosevelt) commenced formal and visible meetings ...
750 Republic and Local Governments in Russia Issued Their Own Currencies in the 1990s
STAUNTON, January 24 – A major problem in both the USSR and the Russian Federation has been the shortage of cash, the result of government policies ...
Baltic Sea protection or politics?
Heli Saavalainen, Helsingin Sanomat
It is sad that the Fosforit fertiliser factory in Kingisepp has managed to dump massive loads of ...
The Global Bankers' FDR: Cats and Mice (Part 4 of 5)
Toomas Trei, Activist Post
With an ineffectual League of Nations and Bolshevik USSR and Nazi Germany assisting each other in military buildup, the ...
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