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TÄNAVALT (From the street). Sobering enough?
[imgt="pics/2011/11/34171_1.jpg", thumb="pics/2011/11/34171_1_t.jpg", w="201", h="300", p="center", c="With alcohol abuse having been highlighted as one of the main reasons for the differences in life expectancy between Eastern and Western Europe, a new public awareness campaign for an age-old problem, "Every drink leaves a mark" can be seen on bus shelters across Eesti. [i] The main message reads: "Ka mõõdukas alkoholitarvitamine (Even moderate alcohol consumption) KURNAB organismi (compromises / exhausts the ...
[imgt="pics/2011/11/34171_1.jpg", thumb="pics/2011/11/34171_1_t.jpg", w="201", h="300", p="center", c="With alcohol abuse having been highlighted as one of the main reasons for the differences in life expectancy between Eastern and Western Europe, a new public awareness campaign for an age-old problem, "Every drink leaves a mark" can be seen on bus shelters across Eesti. [i] The main message reads: "Ka mõõdukas alkoholitarvitamine (Even moderate alcohol consumption) KURNAB organismi (compromises / exhausts the ...
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