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Rohkem ...
Rohkem ...
Ignorance, what else?
Mats Persson
A recent Eurobarometer poll has found that the majority of Spaniards, a sizeable 54 percent, believe that “without the euro, with the ...
Klanniimperialism ja karistamatus Kaukaasias
Eelmisel nädalal äratas tähelepanu üks intervjuu, mille andis Tšetšeenia iseseisvuslaste portaali Itškeeria toimetaja ning tšetšeenide ...
Laar and the dilemma of monetarism
Abdul Turay, Baltic Reports
A lot of people who don’t know much about Estonia have strong opinions about Mart Laar. A countryman of mine who I am ...
Kas vabadus on geneetiline nähtus?
Marko Mihkelson
Sõnavabadus ja inimõigused on universaalsed ega tohiks olla üheski riigis maailmas kuritegu. Kahjuks see nii pole ning paljudes ...
Ancient Spirituality and Commerce Clash in Mari El
Sometimes dubbed “Europe’s last pagans,” the Mari people say they are once again being harassed by Russian authorities.
Geraldine Fagan, ...
Kanada päevikust: Rahvaloendustest
Kunagi sai kuuldud miskit, mis sai ainult anekdoot olla, aga millel, nagu kõikidele anekdootidele omane, pidi olema tõetera taga. Juttu oli ühest ...
East Germans don’t have a monopoly on nostalgia
Although the GDR was little better than an open prison, a surprising number of its former citizens hanker after the old days. Such a longing for old ...
A Legacy of Fighting for Freedom
Senator George V. Voinovich, American Chronicle, July 30, 2010
Since 1959, each president has proclaimed the third week of July to be Captive ...
Plans to close last Mari language school in Russia’s Perm kray spark international protests
STAUNTON, July 31 – Plans by the educational authorities in Perm kray to close the last Mari language school there have sparked protests not only ...
Going Local
I finally had enough of the heat and shaved my head. The mop of hair you see in my columnist’s photograph is quite comfortable in December, but in ...
Helsinki Final Act’s commitment to stability of borders helped destroy Soviet bloc, Moscow analyst says
STAUNTON, August 2 – Yesterday marked the 35th anniversary of the signing of the Helsinki Final Act, an agreement that many analysts have suggested ...
Nõukogude sõjaväeside segamine augustis 1991. Aadu Jõgiaas
Toompea lossi viimasel korrusel, pööningu kõrval asuvas ruumis alustas 10 juulil 91.a. tegevust raadioside keskus, mille abil oli võimalik ...
Uus vaimsete häirete «piibel» võib tembeldada pea kõik ebanormaalseks E24
2013. aastal Ameerikas avaldatav vaimsete häirete käsiraamat (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ehk DSM) sisaldab nii palju ...
Juhtkiri: Relv, valguskiir ja nurgakivi
23. juulil möödus 70 aastat päevast, mil USA välisministri kohusetäitja Sumner Welles kuulutas, et USA ei tunnista Baltimaade okupeerimist ja ...
Viido veerg: Eesti jaoks oluline teema
Olen viimasel ajal lugenud palju dokumente, mis käsitlevad alternatiivenergiat ja Euroopa Liidu toetusi, et aidata selliseid ettevõtmisi lootuses ...
Kommentaar: Kui Iisrael ründaks Iraani...
Iraan valmistab oma tuumaambitsioonidega suurt peavalu lääneriikidele ja ÜRO Julgeolekunõukogule, kuid kõige enam siiski Iisraelile. Ükski seni ...
Cyberwar Is Hell
While we obsessed over Russian spies, top diplomats were working to stop a greater espionage problem: the threat of cyberwarfare.
Simon D. Warren ...
A Warm Westerly Wind?
David J. Smith*
As if driven to Georgia by Zephyrus, ancient god of the westerly wind, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, French Foreign ...
Looking for security in cyberspace
Ella Karapetyan, The Baltic Times
TALLINN - Cyberspace is under constant attack. It can be assumed that the continuing globalization and ...
Sacred trees or sacred cows?
Edward Lucas,Eastern Approaches blog,
The Economist’s print edition recently looked at the brave attempt by the Lithuanian ...
Karaganov calls on Russians to repent for ‘Russian Katyn’ – the victims of Stalin
STAUNTON, July 27 – Russians have manifested “nobility and sympathy” to Poland over the Katyn massacres, but “so far, they have not found in ...
A return to Washington
Edward Lucas, Eastern Approaches,
Taking the temperature of America’s relations with its allies in the ex-communist world is the ...
Eestlaste viha tuleneb Teise ilmasõja traumadest Eesti Ekspress
Sõjakoledused ja okupatsiooniaastad laastavad jätkuvalt eestlaste psüühikat, arutlevad psühhoanalüütikud Andres Adams, Ants Parktal, Erika ...
Dam bombing could be ‘dress rehearsal’ for Sochi Olympics, Moscow analyst says
STAUNTON, July 22 – Most Russian commentators have suggested that the bombing this week of a hydroelectric dam in the North Caucasus was either ...
Iivi Anna Masso: propaganda boomerang
In a recent article in ‘Postimees’, Helsinki based political scientist and columnist Iivi Anna Masso questioned the Finns’ seeming reluctance ...
Underwater Adventures and Other Summer Fun in Hungary
You could put it down to sunstroke, but, no, for Hungarians, credulous paranoia is a year-round affliction.
Balint Szlanko, Transitions Online
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