Eestlased Kanadas
Eestlased Austraalias
Eestlased Rootsis
Eestlased Inglismaal
Eestlased Saksamaal
Eestlased USAs
Eestlased Venemaal
Eestlased Soomes
Eestlased Ukrainas
Eestlased Eestis
Rohkem ...
Rohkem ...
FSB seeks even greater voice in control of Russian border areas
STAUNTON, July 21 – In yet another indication that the FSB is regaining ever more of the powers the KGB had in Soviet times, officials at the ...
Moscow Patriarchate forced to ask Russian government for help in ‘liquidating’ independent Orthodox
STAUNTON, July 21 – Russia’s procurator general has dispatched a special commission to Vladimir oblast in order to consider “all possible ...
Kommentaar: President Obama 500 päeva
Hiljuti möödus 500 päeva president Barack Obama ametisseseadmisest. Küllap mäletame kõik tema asumist Valgesse Majja, mil kogu USA-d valdas ...
Kapitalismivastased meeleavaldused Torontos
Juunikuu viimasel nädalalõpul, kui Torontos kohtusid maailma 20 rikkaima maa juhid, et arutada, kuidas kõige paremini lahendada maailma majandust ...
Viido veerg: Kassid ja koerad
Tõeline suvekuumus on sel aastal jõudnud Eestisse, Võrumaal ulatus õhusoojus 35 kraadini. Minu naaber Michael räägib, et Austraalias on praegu ...
More good ideas for Tartu. Part I: Transport and infrastructure
Kristopher Rikken, Blue, Black and White Alert
1. Tartu's train station has plenty -- one might even say too many -- yellow square signs with ...
Interview: 'Ridicule Is A Powerful Weapon,' Says P.J. O'Rourke
American satirist P.J. O'Rourke is famous for turning a wry eye on politics at home and conflicts abroad. RFE/RL correspondent Charles ...
As infrequently as I fly I am relegated to the cattle section. On my last trip to North America, airline personnel shuffled me into the first class ...
The fate of a small boy feeds Russian media frenzy, but causes barely a ripple in Finnish-Russian relations
The story is actually not complicated, but its numerous aspects with diverse characters make it an interesting study of Russia’s shoot-from-the-hip ...
Repliik: Spiooniskandaal summutati kiiresti
Deal or no deal?
Meie eelmise lehe juhtkiri oli pühendatud skandaalsele spiooniloole, mille käigus USAs paljastati Vene luurevõrk. Kümmet ...
Juhtkiri: Lennukite müük luubi all
Maailma suurimate transpordifirmade hulka kuulub Bombardier, mille peakorter asub Montréalis. 1942.a. asutatud firma saavutas esmakuulususe esimese ...
Kommentaar: Kroon on surnud, elagu euro!
13. juulil toimunud Euroopa Liidu (EL) rahandusministrite kohtumisel võeti vastu otsus ja määrused, millega kinnitati Eesti eurole üleminek 1. ...
Kommentaar: Ulmelist ajalugu hapukurgi hooajal
Arvamustes ja vaidlustes mängivad vahel suurt osa oletused. Nende kaudu on palju lihtsam leida seletusi ja lahendusi, neid saab kasutada väga ...
Professor: Eestis valitsevad paradoksid PM
Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli professori Rainer Katteli sõnul muudavad paradoksid Eesti hariduses, majanduses ja tööjõuturul edasise arengu ...
It's called summer
Kristopher Rikken, Blue, Black and White Alert
Roads are melting in Estonia. Which is novel and interesting. Riding the Põlva-Värska road, or ...
Elu tulnukana
//I'm in Viljandi now, and all I can say is that it reminds me of Tallinn and Tartu and just about every other Estonian place: the mishmash of ...
...Mittevabaduse mineku teed
Marju Toom Tallinn
Mis siis ikka on Eesti Vabariigi, Eesti rahva, iga inimese vabaduse, priiuse mõõt?
Sellel teemal on küll palju ...
Spy scandal points to broader ‘systematic crisis’ in SVR, Moscow experts say
VIENNA, July 13 – The recent spy scandal in which the US arrested ten illegals and then exchanged them for four people held by Moscow calls ...
Moscow restricts definition of ‘compatriot’
VIENNA, July 13 – The Duma has significantly reduced the scope of the definition of “compatriots” while increasing the role of the Russian ...
The Way We Were
On the road to democracy, Kyiv makes a U-turn.
Sergey Sydorenko, Transitions Online
KYIV | In the past several years, some have looked at Ukraine ...
Finance ministers strive to reach deal on supervision
Jim Brunsden, European Voice
The EU's finance ministers agreed today (13 July) on concessions to offer the European Parliament in an attempt to ...
Beyond time and space
Edward Lucas, Eastern Approaches, Economist,com
Power and loss are the themes of Sofi Oksanen's gripping novel, "Purge", which ...
Why The Russia Spy Story Really Matters
Gregory Feifer, RFE/RL
Invisible ink, instructions concealed in images posted on the Internet, a laptop in a Barnes & Noble flashing messages to ...
‘Siberia’s status within Russia now corresponds to Russia’s in the world,’ economist says
VIENNA, July 12 – Siberia increasingly is to Russia what Russia is to the world, a supplier of raw materials that those who are consuming them take ...
Business as usual, Centre Party style
The masthead commentary was written before Estonian Life was aware of the following development.
Tallinn has hired as the marketer and ...
Corruption in Estonia lower than four years ago, but still perceived to be inevitable amongst youth
It’s something that Estonia has to admit to being a lingering problem and confront with its own political ethics and discipline intact – ...
See on Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP⚡)
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