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Karda hiirepabulat sama palju kui puuke!
Suvine Eesti on täis koledaid ja ohtlikke putukaid, kelle eest telereklaamid pidevalt hoiatavad – puuke. Et siis vaktsineerige ennast kindlasti ja ...
EV Kaitsearmee reservkolonel Herk Visnapuu algatus
EV Kaitsearmee reservkolonel Herk Visnapuu algatus juhib tähelepanu reservohvitseride tegevuse aktiviseerimisele ja uute ohvitseride ...
Andrus Peegli nädalapilt
Andrus Peegel
Iraan - Vaike Külveti kaamerast
Austerity Pays Off for Estonia
Former Soviet Republic Could Be Next to Adopt Euro
Jan Puhl, Spiegel Online
Former unemployed blogger Meeli Hunt: "I've become tougher ...
Estonian Finance Minister Jürgen Ligi is exemplary of the Estonian political class: a Reform Party loyalist, Ligi formerly served as minister of ...
“Corruption making Sochi Olympics most expensive in history,” Moscow analysts say
VIENNA, June 7 – Just as Moscow has often used the Soviet role in World War II as a universal moral solvent to justify or at least distract ...
Six-and-a-half billion reasons to be cheerful
Matt Ridley, author of The Rational Optimist, tells spiked why eco-catastrophists are so wrong about humans and our impact on the planet.
Tim Black, ...
Say “No” to the Stalin Bust
John Barnhart, Bedford Bulletin
A few years ago a visit by a delegation from the local American Legion post should have served warning on ...
Stocks and the BP Catastrophe
Larry Kudlow
It is noteworthy that the BP oil explosion occurred on April 20. Three days later, on April 23, the market peaked. Is this is a ...
Estonia ignores its Christian roots
Via Baltic Review
A political statement by several pastors has caused a stir in Estonia. The weekly Eesti Ekspress criticises the anti-clerical and ...
Gaza flotilla: invasion of the moral armada
Everyone talks about the siege of Gaza, but a more profound problem today is the intellectual, moral siege of Israel by the Respectable World.
Juhtkiri: Suur Hiina väriseb väikese Eesti ees?
Möödunud nädalal viibis Tallinnas Hiina parlamendi asespiiker Jianmin Huai, kes sattus Eesti infotehnoloogia kõrgest tasemest suurde vaimustusse. ...
Viido veerg: Bangkok või Lustivere?
Meie naaber Aivar, kes peab Kurenurmes talu, küsis minult, kas meie õunapuud sel aastal õitsesid. Ma polnudki seda tähele pannud, aga pidin ...
Kommentaar: Et Mehhiko lahe katastroof ei korduks
Kõik lugejad teavad Mehhiko lahes aprilli lõpul toimunud tragöödiast, kui pärast 36 tundi kestnud tulekahju vajus mere põhja British ...
Kommentaar: Ma ei vaiki ikka veel...
Seda tiitlit kannab hiljuti ilmunud Mart-Olav Nikluse kogumik, mis sisaldab tema artikleid ja panust käsitlevaid materjale. Seda lugedes meenus ...
Nanotehnoloogia – uus kontseptsioon
(algus Eesti Elus # 21)
Ivar Paljak
Nanotehnikat saab kasutada edukalt ka meditsiinis. Kuna bioloogilised molekulid on nanopartiklite suurused, ...
Miks Riigikogu häbeneb Eesti lippu?
Marko Mihkelson
Täna on Eesti lipu päev. Sel puhul on päris paslik korraks mõelda, kui väga me oma lippu siis ikkagi hindame. 23. märtsil 2005 ...
Earthquake in Bohemia
Edward Lucas, Eastern Approaches
Austerity and reform are the result of what David Král of EUROPEUM in Prague calls "The Great Political ...
Issues pertaining to the sale of the French aircraft carrier “Mistral” to the Russian Federation
Valdis Pavlovskis, Baltic American Freedom League
The Baltic American community appreciates the attempts by the United States to improve relations ...
Has Moscow decided to turn to a businessman to save Sochi Olympics?
VIENNA, June 2 – The engineering, ecological and ethnic problems now plaguing the construction of venues for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi are so ...
Mädakartulimaksud lähevad haisema
Andres Herkel
Vastasseis Tallinna linna ja riigi vahel ainult süveneb. Müügi- ja paadimaks on uus teetähis. Üks kehtestab ja teine tühistab. ...
Ave Ungro: Colombia riigipeaks pürib veidrikust leedulane DELFI
Toimetas: Lauri Laugen,
Alates 2004. aastast kaks ja pool aastat Colombias elanud ning seal katoliiklikus keskkoolis inglise keelt ...
The Eastern European Internet is getter bigger and richer, but quality online news is fighting for survival.
Marius Dragomir, Transitions Online
Ten or so years ago, when a Prague journalist, disgruntled with the pressures from editors and owners he was ...
EU-Russia Summit To Steer Forward Course, Without Rocking The Boat
Ahto Lobjakas, RFE/RL
BRUSSELS -- Today's summit between the European Union and Russia is the first of the new decade for Moscow and ...
I just spent a week in Ireland and though I have but one Irish grandmother, I did feel comfortable with the country, some familiarity with its ...
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